
Stillwater Elementary Gym

Friday, November 18th, 5:30-8:00 PM

Dinner: We have pizza meals available to purchase below.  Order by November 15th to receive the pre-order discount.  Only a few regular pizza meals will be available for purchase, at the door, for $7.00 per meal and while supplies last.

Bingo: Cards can be purchased the night of the event at a cost of $1.00 per card and $2.00 for a blackout sheet.  Bingo will run from 6:15-7:15 PM. We will NOT be doing a dessert dash for the bingo prizes this year, but don’t worry, we will have a Tur-riffic prize selection!!

Raffle Baskets: Class baskets will be on display and ticket sales (tickets-$1 cash/check) will occur from 5:30-7:30 PM. Raffle ticket sales will close at 7:30 PM and the winning tickets will be announced shortly thereafter.

Bake Sale: Treats will be available for purchase during bingo night. If you’d like to donate treats, please bring them individually wrapped and ready to sell.

Other Activities: Families can visit the book fair happening in the LRC and also take a look at the amazing Reflections art pieces submitted by Stillwater students. The Reflections gala will occur at 5:00 pm on November 18th (invitations for students who participated will be sent out separately).

PTSA Turkey Bingo Prepaid Meal Order Forms

MUST ORDER BY:  November 15th.
Discounted meals as a PTSA Member

PTSA Members receive discounts on meals.