3rd General Membership Meeting Recap

On March 13, 2018 we held our 3rd General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 14 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview.
Our treasurer, Lindsey Tolson, gave us a current financial report. We voted on changes to the 2017-2018 budget. We also reviewed the mid-year financial audit results. Our president, Shelly Campbell, gave a report about updates and plans for the year. Our membership chair, Carmen Love, relayed our current membership numbers and class incentives.
We also voted in the 2018-2019 Executive Board of Directors.
President: Shelly Campbell
Vice President: Lindsey Tolson
Treasurer: Rachel DelCarmen
Secretary: Rebecca Manjarrez
During the meeting Mr. Madigan spoke about how the school is talking more about emergency preparedness and lockdown drills along with the district. You can read more about this in the latest edition of Madigan’s Memo version 3.
If you would like more information about the 2017-2018 budget, please visit our website for a full review and copy of the budget: http://stillwaterptsa.org/ptsa-budget/
We had a fun raffle drawing for all that attended and gave away several spirit wear items.
Our last General Membership Meeting of the year will be an evening time on Tuesday, June 12th at 6:30 PM in the Library.
Meeting Minutes: https://stillwaterptsa.org/meeting-minutes/