4th General Membership Meeting Recap

On June 12, 2018 we held our 4th General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 20 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview.
Our treasurer, Lindsey Tolson, gave us a current financial report. We voted on the 2017-2018 budget amendments along with the 2018-2019 budget. Our president, Shelly Campbell, gave a report about updates and fun plans for next year. We voted on several updates to our PTSA standing rules. We also reviewed convention awards and about next years convention in SeaTac. We are hoping more leadership team can attend with it being closer. Shelly reviewed our lead spots on the leadership team that are still open for next year. Popcorn, reflections, moms & me, concession cart are the main areas that we still need help. Let us know if you are interested.
Uli Staerk talked about needing more art docent and a kiln lead to learn more about how the kiln works.
Ending our meeting we had Jennifer Knapland, city councilmember speak to us about community support. The YMCA summer camp program is coming to Duvall for the 1st time and they are looking for feedback. Open Space and Parks advisory committee being formed and is also looking for volunteers. Jennifer would love to hear from everyone on what they would like for our community.
We had a fun raffle drawing for all that attended and gave away several spirit wear items.
Our 1st General Membership Meeting of the year will be Tuesday, December 4th at 6:30 PM in the Library. We hope you can join us!