Standing Rules 2023-2024


Last Approved 09/26/2023




  1. The name of this local PTSA is Stillwater Elementary PTSA 2.16.24. Its national PTA number is      00003178
  2. This PTSA was incorporated on October 2, 1989. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the

Annual Corporation Report.  The Employer Identification Number is located in the legal documents binder.

  1. This PTSA is registered under the Charitable Solicitations Act, registration number 4615. The

Treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31st of each year to avoid penalties.

  1. This PTSA was granted tax-exempt status under section 501C-3 of the Internal Revenue Code

on June 11, 1990.  A copy of the Letter of Determination is filed in the legal document binder.

  1. This PTSA shall maintain two (2) identical copies of the legal documents binder. One copy is

kept by the President, and the other shall be kept in the PTSA Portable at Stillwater Elementary School.

  1. The Treasurer is responsible for filing the appropriate federal tax return 990 or Form 990 EZ or

Form 990-N prior to November 15th of each year and providing a copy to the Board no later than November 1st.  Copies of the current and past years’ returns are located in the legal documents binder.

  1. Each member of the Board of Directors shall have an electronic and/or hard copy of the Legal

Documents of this PTSA including the Uniform Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Standing Rules, and Money Matters.

  1. This PTSA has designated the Washington State PTA as its registered agent with the Washington

Secretary of State’s Office, the Washington Department of Revenue, and the United States Internal Revenue Service.  This PTSA shall operate within and abide by the Washington State and National PTA Bylaws.




  1. This PTSA serves the children and families in the Stillwater Elementary School community,

which includes the residences and businesses in the school enrollment area.

  1. Membership in this PTSA shall be open to all people without discrimination. Membership is open

to all parents, community members, teachers, staff, grandparents, guardians, students, and any

other persons that support and encourage the purpose of PTSA.  The students of Stillwater

Elementary School shall be considered honorary members of this PTSA without voice, vote or

privilege of holding office.

  1. The dues for this PTSA shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors. All paid

members have a voice and vote at Stillwater Elementary PTSA general membership meetings.


  1. This PTSA is a member of the Riverview PTA Council 2.16 and has one (1) vote on Council

business. The President shall submit to the Council names and positions of the voting delegate and two (2) alternates, as determined by the Board of Directors.




  1. The elected officers of this PTSA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers.  Officers shall be elected in April

of each year for a term of one (1) year and shall assume office on July 1st.

  1. Co-chairpersons serving in the same position on the Board of Directors shall be considered one (1)

board member for the purposes of a quorum and are entitled to one (1) vote between them at board

meetings.  Co-chairpersons are each entitled to separate votes at general membership meetings.

  1. The Board of Directors of this PTSA shall consist of the Executive Committee and the chairs of

the following standing committees: Fundraising, and Membership. The PTSA Leadership Team shall consist of the Board of Directors, the leadership chairs of the following committees: Special Projects, Arts Education, Social/FACE, Advocacy, and any lead volunteers.

  1. The Board of Directors, all other committee chairpersons and lead volunteers shall be current

PTSA members.

  1. The immediate past President may serve as an ad hoc member of the Board with voice but no

vote. The Principal and a Teacher Representative may serve as ad hoc members of the Board with voice but not vote.

  1. A committee chair shall be declared vacant if that person misses three (3) consecutive meetings

unexcused, or if the committee chair is found in violation of the agreed upon Standards of Conduct.

  1. Voting for officers (or nominating committee positions) may take place at a meeting, by mail, or by electronic transmission. If voting takes place by mail or electronic transmission, the name of each candidate is to be contained in the notice of the meeting and any vote cast must be received within the time frame identified in the notice of the meeting. All nominees for office must also be current PTA members.




  1. This PTSA’s Board of directors shall meet at least monthly, on a date and time to be determined

by the Board.

  1. Quorum at a Board of Directors meeting shall be a majority (half + one) of the number of all

occupied positions.

  1. General membership meetings of this PTSA shall be held no less than three (3) times per school

year unless otherwise directed by the Executive Committee.

  1. Quorum at all general membership meetings shall be ten (10) members to conduct business.
  2. Adoption of the budget and standing rules, election of the nominating committee, and election of

officers shall take place at least annually at general membership meetings.  The standing rules may

be amended at any regular general membership meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, or if previous

notice is given, by a majority vote. Voting may take place at a meeting, by mail, or by electronic transmission. Votes by mail or electronic transmission are allowed if the name of each candidate and/or the content of each proposal is contained in the notice of meeting.

  1. One (1) or more Washington State PTA and Stillwater PTSA recognition awards may be

presented annually.  A committee appointed by the President shall select the recipients.  The

Board of Directors shall determine the number of recipients.

  1. The vote of this PTSA for any Washington State, Region, or Council related issues, amendments,

resolutions, etc. shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  The vote of this PTSA for Region

2 Director shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

  1. This PTSA shall send as many voting delegates and as many visiting delegates to the WSPTA

Convention and the WSPTA Legislative Assembly as the budgeted amount will sustain.  All delegates for WSPTA Convention shall be selected by the Board of Directors.  Convention registration and hotel expenses shall be paid for by this PTSA.  Legislative Assembly registration, hotel expenses and meal fees shall be paid for by this PTSA.  Persons attending the WSPTA Convention and/or Legislative Assembly paid for by this PTSA shall submit a summary on notes and handouts from classes and general sessions to the Board of Directors.

  1. All members of the Board of Directors shall immediately inform the Board of Directors of any

potential conflict of interest in acting as a board member and/or in providing services of goods for

a fee to Stillwater PTSA.




  1. This PTSA shall approve its annual operating budget prior to July 1st of each year. The Board of

Directors has authority to adjust the budget up to $500 by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, and to reallocate any funds budgeted for one purpose for another purpose by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

  1. A financial review committee, minimum of three (3) members appointed by the President, will

review the financial books at least twice a year.

  1. The PTSA shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the

Board of Directors.  Any such account shall require the signatures of at least two (2) elected officers to make a withdrawal.  Authorized signers for the PTSA checking/savings account(s) shall be President and Treasurer. If there is only one President, the Vice President can be a third signer.

  1. The PTA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided unopened to a designated non-

signer on the Board. The reviewer shall promptly report any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review to the President and/or Vice President.  After a thorough review, the reviewer shall provide the bank account statements to the President and/or Vice President.  The President and/or Vice President shall, after further review, provide the statements to the Treasurer.

  1. All reimbursement requests for authorized expenses must include a receipt and be submitted to the

Treasurer within sixty (60) days of purchase.  All requests for reimbursement must be received by June 25th of each fiscal year or they will be considered a donation to the PTSA.

  1. Should the PTSA receive an NSF check, a service fee in the amount of $10 can be charged in

addition to any fees imposed by the PTSA’s bank.  If the NSF check or checks is/are not paid within thirty (30) days of the original date on the check, then the PTSA may decline checks from that individual in the future.

  1. All checks issued by the Treasurer that are not cashed within six (6) months shall be considered

invalid. A stop payment order shall be made on all stale checks that are $20 or over.

  1. The Committee Chairpersons of the Board shall be authorized to exceed their total budget by an

amount not to exceed $50 in a fiscal year without Board approval.  Any overage shall be submitted to the treasurer with a description and explanation of the overage, unless the net budget meets or exceeds the plan, and the Board shall be notified of the overage at the next regular board meeting with an explanation for inclusion in the minutes of that meeting.

  • This PTSA maintains password controlled online accounts. The President and Treasurer will maintain the login and password information in the legal documents notebook. The board of directors shall determine if any additional officers need viewing rights to online accounts. The passwords will be changed annually, no later than July 31st unless both the President and Treasurer are elected to serve another term.