Thank you, Stillwater Hawks, for an amazing year!

The PTSA had many great accomplishments this year and we couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you to all our volunteers, we had 135 different volunteers between all of our events and activities this year, wow! Our partnership with the staff at Stillwater is a HUGE factor towards our success and we want to thank each and every one of the wonderful Stillwater staff members. And last but certainly not least, we want to thank the Stillwater families. Thank you for coming out to our events, providing us with feedback, reading our communications, and participating in a record breaking fundraising year.

Notes from our June general membership meeting can be found on our website: meeting-minutes/.

Please keep reading below for details on the Outstanding Educator, Heart of the Hawk, Golden Acorn and Honorary Lifetime Membership awards that were presented yesterday at field day or at the assembly today! Congratulations to all the nominees and this year’s recipients.

We hope everyone has a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you again in the fall for another great year!!

Thank You,
Stillwater PTSA Board of Directors

Award Ceremony

Back in March we sent out nomination forms for the four PTSA sponsored awards: Outstanding Educator, Heart of the Hawk, Golden Acorn and Honorary Life Membership. We had over 20 total nominations turned in and the awards committee consisting of executive board members had a hard job choosing winners. Ultimately the number of nominations per person and content of nominations aided in the decision.

Golden Acorn Award:
Monique Linz

“…If you need help with anything this woman is always the first to say “I’ll do it!” Her can-do attitude is reflected in her constant volunteering, thinking outside of the box, and bringing a positive energy to everything she’s involved with. She puts the FUN in our PTSA events, and the FUN as our Fundraising Chair. We are so lucky to have her…. congratulations to our Golden Acorn, Monique Linz!.”

The Heart of the Hawk Award:
Todd Russell

This staff member is “the face of Stillwater” to staff, students, and parents. He demonstrates the Hawk Mindset and wears a lot of hats around here. He’s a painter, mover, cleaner, organizer, monitor and builder. Always willing to lend a hand and always with a smile on his face…Please join me in congratulation this year’s Heart of the Hawk recipient Todd Russell!

Outstanding Educator Award:
Allison Craig

While we received several nominations one person stood out this year. This teacher has great energy and kindness in her approach. Focusing on the whole student, caring and understanding each child’s needs, motivations, and style. She motivates her students to excel not only academically, but emotionally as well. We are thankful to have this amazing and outstanding educator. Congratulations to our Outstanding Educator, Allison Craig!

The Honorary Life Membership Award:
Lynn Keefe

“…This person has been at Stillwater since it opened. She puts her heart into every day she has worked here. She has been on many curriculum adoption teams, Stillwater’s Learning Improvement team, and Stillwater’s SITE team. She spends many extra hours her at Stillwater to develop lessons to engage the students and help others out. She has a deep love for her students and wants them to all be successful. She also has the drive to make Stillwater a special, safe place for everyone. We want to thank her for all the many years that she has spent making Stillwater a better place. The lifetime membership award goes to Mrs. Keefe!”