December 2018 General Membership Meeting Recap

On December 4, 2018 we held our first General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 20 guests present, thank you everyone who attended! For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview.

During the meeting Danielle Peters, Counselor guest speaker, handed out a flyer about what she does and discussed how to reach her. She teaches several lessons about emotional well-being, social well-being, bullying, etc. She discussed SIT (Student Intervention Team); counselor is available for a short-term situation but will refer to parents when longer-term therapy or counseling is needed. She talked about Valley Power Packs and how they reach our kids weekly in Riverview, supported by the community, and those kids get holiday gifts sponsored from Trilogy. She also shared with us about the new mentor program with Snoqualmie Valley Network. You can read more or reach out to Danielle by going to her blog:

President, Shelly Campbell, gave a report about events that have happened this year so far and plans for the year. We also voted in our nominating committee, staffed to find our 2019-2020 executive board. Our treasurer, Rachel DelCarmen, gave us a current financial report. We voted on the 2018-2019 budget changes. We also reviewed the 2017-2018 financial audit results. Our Advocacy chair, Roslyn Reeps, reported on Legistlative Assembly. You can read more about the voted topics here: Our Secretary, Rebecca Manjarrez, relayed our current membership numbers and incentives. Vice President, Lindsey Tolson, reported on volunteer numbers and changes to volunteer signups for this year.

Now that the Hop-a-Thon has wrapped we want to make sure we are keeping our membership up to date on the funds raised. All of our fundraisers support our budget which is over 100 line items long, When we exceed our fundraising goals, adjustments to the budget are explored. For example, we are currently working through the fall grant review process with Stillwater administration and increasing the amount of grants we can gift based on the Hop-a-Thon success. Stay tuned! In addition, we are working towards replacing the large playground structure, a venture that will require several years of savings. The decision to replace the large playground structure was made based on a survey completed last school year. The majority of members voted to continue gifting school and teacher grants but to also put any extra funds raised towards savings for replacement of the large playground structure. Last year we saved $19,000 for the playground. This year we cannot determine what that number will be until the end of the year when our 4 fundraising events have wrapped (Hop-a-Thon, Silent Auction, Hawk Walk and Running of the Balls). Please let us know if you have any questions, full transparency is very important to us!

Our next General Membership Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 12th at 6:30 PM in the Library.

We hope to see you there!