About the Science Docent Program

Thank you for your patience while we sorted out the PTSA Science Docent program.  Mike Pitt has been meeting with the teacher science team to figure out how Science Docents can fit into the science curriculum this year and the Next Generation Science Standards curriculum that will be implemented in the next couple of school years.  What is clear is that all science curriculum must meet grade level and Next Generation standards, and all lessons must be led by certified teachers.  The PTSA Science Docent program, created by the hard work of Pamela Parks, no longer fits the needs of Stillwater teachers.  Mr. Madigan and I met and the message he asked me to pass on to volunteers interested in helping with science lessons this school year is to contact your children’s teachers to let them know of your interest.  It will be up to each teacher to use, or not use, volunteers to help with science lessons.  If you have an area of interest or expertise that you are willing to share with Stillwater students, please let Mike Pitt know (mp6218@att.net).  He will keep a list and provide that information to the teachers.  Mrs. Roberts is also interested in having people with science interests make presentations and work with students in the library.
As Next Generation Science Standards are implemented, the science team will get a better idea of how volunteers can help with science lessons.  For this year, Mr. Madigan has requested that each teacher use their own volunteers for their classroom lessons.  We do not know at the moment whether or not the PTSA Science Docent program will be needed in future years, but we are keeping that door open.