PTSA General Membership Meeting – April 28th 6PM

Join us for our 3rd General Membership Meeting of the year, via Zoom at 6pm on April 28th. Please note this is a NEW date, the meeting was previously scheduled for April 21st.

The Zoom link will be sent out to PTSA Members prior to the meeting, email if you would like to request the link.

During the meeting we’ll be voting on the 2021-2022 officer slate. See prior post for the nominating committee report. We’ll also be voting on changes to this year’s budget as well as reviewing openings for our leadership team next year.

Everyone is welcome but only members can vote. There will be door prizes!

Here are the documents that will be reviewed tonight:
April 2021 General Mtg Agenda
General Meeting Minutes February 3, 2021
Treasurer’s Report April General Mtg
April Treasurers Written Report – General Mtg
2020-2021 Mid-Year Financial Review
2020-2021 April Budget Proposal – will need Excel to open