April 7th General Membership Meeting

***Update: Meeting Results***
First we want to thank our Stillwater community for their support during this unprecedented time. We know there are lots of questions about what the rest of the school year will look like now that we know we wont physically be returning to school. We are looking into options for what we can still do virtually over the coming months. We need some time to plan so stay tuned for updates. ️
We had our last membership contest in March, thank you to everyone who signed up to be a PTSA member this year. We are now 316 members strong. For that membership contest, everyone who signed up to be a member by March 13th was entered to win one of six different gift cards we had to give away. During the meeting we announced the winners! Congrats to:
The nominating committee presented their nominations for 2020-2021 officers
We gave everyone the good news that the district approved the playground design that won the popular vote amongst students, staff and parents, picture attached. The final cost of the playground is just under $38,000. This covers the cost of the playground equipment and an onsite installation supervisor. We will need a team of volunteers working over 2-3 days this summer to install the playground. More details to follow. Just an FYI if we were to pay for installation it would cost another $19,000, that is why we will need volunteers.
We ended the meeting with any questions from attendees as well as providing information on the link for voting that was going to be emailed out after the meeting concluded. Per our standing rules we cannot vote over virtual meetings but we can vote via electronic transmission. Members had until 8:30pm on April 7th to vote. Members were voting on the officer slate presented by the nominating committee, as well as approving the cost of the playground equipment. We are happy to report that both motions passed!
Tonight at 6:30pm we’ll be having our April General Membership Meeting via Zoom. Please email president@stillwaterptsa.org to request the meeting login information. After the meeting, all SW PTSA Members will be emailed a survey monkey link to vote on the special elections listed on the agenda, members will have until 8:30pm to cast their vote.
7:10pm Adjourn
We will be referencing the following documents or images during the meeting:
December 2019 General Mtg Minutes
Application Form SW Leadership Team 2021