April General Meeting Recap

On On Wednesday April 28th, we had our 3rd PTSA General Meeting of the school year and a special election was held. Here is a recap of the meeting:
The February general meeting minutes were reviewed and filed. Monique Linz reviewed the presidents report and discussed events and activities that had taken place since the last general meeting (Brown Bear Carwash Fundraiser, playground installation, LEGO week, Talent Show, Eggcellent Coloring Contest, Nailed It! Spring Break Baking Challenge, and Sports Week).
Chelsea Krause reviewed the current treasurers report as well as the financial audit report that had recently been completed.
A special election was held and the PTSA board of directors for the 2021-22 school year were elected as follows: President: Monique Linz, Vice President: Shannon Bennett & Lori Rush, Treasurer: Chelsea Krause, Secretary: Natalie Doll.
Proposed changes to the 2020-21 budget were then reviewed (essentially due to the success of the Brown Bear Carwash and Krispy Kreme fundraisers, we had additional funds to put back into budget line items that had been trimmed down at the beginning of the school year due to the inability to have our typical fundraising events). Spring grants were one of the items added back into the budget, more details about the spring grants will be provided at a later date. A vote was then held and the proposed changes to the budget were approved unanimously.
Mr. Madigan gave an update on current happenings. He was excited to share that a current area of focus is a different approach to how we are thinking about math. This new approach is getting out of the mindset that someone is either good or bad at math and putting more attention on the process of problem solving that takes place to reach the answer, rather than the answer itself.
Shannon Bennett gave an update on Staff Appreciation Week and provided an overview of all the things planned for the staff members throughout the week.
Monique reviewed the open PTSA leadership team positions for the 2021-22 school year and anyone who is interested in being a part of the leadership team is encouraged to reach out to Monique.
Lori Rush gave an update on membership – the current number of members was 193.
The meeting was adjourned and Brown Bear Carwash tickets were given out to three lucky meeting attendees!
Thank you to everyone who attended the April 28th general meeting! The next and last general meeting of the school year is scheduled for June 9th at 6:30 PM, hope to see you there!