December General Membership Meeting Recap

Our 2nd PTSA General Meeting was held on December 5, 2017 at 6:30pm in Stillwater Elementary’s Library.
Our meeting began with introductions and a PowerPoint slideshow that included review of our mission, membership breakdown, all details of events we’ve held so far.
We invited all to join us for the Board Meet & Greet on January 18th @ 11:30.
Special Elections included voting in our Nominating Committee that consists of Monique Linz, Amy Pitt and Carmen Love were unanimously elected to serve on the 2017-18 nominating committee by voice vote. We then voted in changes to the 2017/2018 Budget.
Changes approved: assembly increase for STEAM museum to $1530, field day to
$1000, restaurants give back income to $1500 and expense to $100, and
running of the balls expenses to $1250.
Superintendent Dr. Anthony Smith spoke on the new Levy measures being voted on in February. Ruby Perez gave a presentation about the details of the upcoming measures. For more information you can go to their info website:
Join us for our next General Meeting on March 13th @ 2:00 – 3:15 in classroom 21 (down the 5th grade hallway, next to Ms. Lil’s class).