December SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Chelsea Krause

Chelsea was nominated by Shelly Campbell and Monique Linz and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Shelly and Monique had to say about Chelsea.
Shelly: “Chelsea joined our leadership team this year super enthusiastic to help any way that she can!! She signed up to volunteer to do box tops, yearbook orders, process membership orders and data entry!! After she signed up for those she asked how else can I help?! Chelsea is always willing to jump in with a smile!! She is a superstar volunteer!”
Monique: “I nominate Chelsea Krause for VOM. She’s an outstanding volunteer who wanted to take on box tops this year and is doing an amazing job with it. She also took up processing our yearbook and membership orders and does our data entry, so many things! And as if that wasn’t enough, she also consistently volunteers for our events and is willing to help out whenever we ask. Thank you Chelsea!”
Chelsea and her husband, Kevin, have been married for 8 years and have two adorable boys, Bryson (1st Grade) and Colton (1st grade). This is her second year volunteering at Stillwater and she really does do so much. Between PTSA events/activities and classroom volunteer efforts, she is a constant visitor at Stillwater. She couldn’t pick just one volunteer activity that is her favorite, “its a tie between helping with reward parties and getting to visit classrooms (like doing root beer float parties) and helping during assemblies/Hop-a-Thon.”
When Chelsea isn’t volunteering, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Her family likes playing board games, Monopoly and Disney Scene It are their favorite games to play. The Krause’s also have fun creating their own dance parties, usually to Macklemore’s “Downtown” and playing football and baseball in their yard. When Chelsea has time, she enjoys crafting it up too!
Chelsea said she volunteers “to be as much of a part of my sons lives as possible.” Her boys love seeing her volunteer and always ask her to volunteer more. Chelsea says , “I love getting to be a part of their day, love getting to know the kids in their class and interacting with other kids out of their class/other grades as well. Our school, teachers and staff do so much for our kids, I’m just thankful I can lend a hand, give back and help when needed. We have such an awesome community of volunteers, I’m just proud to be a small part of that. I also strive to be as much of a “smother” (like Beverly Goldberg) as possible.”
We are thankful for you Chelsea and your Beverly Goldberg persona! 🙂 Thank you for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!
If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: