February Volunteer of the Month – Dani Tronsen

Dani was nominated by Mrs. Materi and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Mrs. Materi had to say about Dani.
“Dani has been dedicated to our classroom since day one. Now she is our evening custodian and has volunteered to help even more often! She is very helpful in the classroom and the students are always happy to see her.”
Dani and her husband, Nels have two children, Silas (age 8) and Camilla (age 6). Dani has been volunteering at Stillwater for 3 years. Her favorite volunteer activity at Stillwater is helping in class with the kids, “it’s fun to watch them grow over the year.”
When we asked Dani why she volunteers she said, “I like being able to help take some weight off our teachers plates since they do so much for us and I get to spend extra time with my kids. I also get to meet my kids friends and see how they are learning and what kind of things they do throughout the day. I also just enjoy hanging out with kids, they have a lot of funny stuff to say.”
Dani is quite busy working as Stillwater’s evening custodian and she is going to be moving to the district maintenance department soon but when she isn’t busy volunteering or working she enjoys hanging with her kids doing crafts and cooking. Dani and her husband also have fun working on various DIY house projects.
Dani has really enjoyed her time as an evening custodian, she said “in my time as a night custodian I’ve really gotten to see a side of Stillwater that most parents don’t get to see. Stillwater really is an awesome school with a great staff that puts in a lot of hard work for our kids. Everyone’s kids are great and fun to be around and its been super awesome getting to be a part of that over the past couple of months.”
Thank you Dani for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!
We would also like to congratulate and thank Jen Coffey, Amy McHenry and Zoe Anderson who were also nominated for volunteer of the month.
If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: https://stillwaterptsa.org/volunteer-month-nomination/.