Friendly Reminder: Parking at Stillwater Evening Events

Hello Stillwater Community,

We are sending this message as a friendly reminder, now that school has started back up and we are planning so many incredible events this year. One of our biggest events of the year is tomorrow evening, our Back to School BBQ.  This is an event we love to hold to celebrate the start of the new year and to get together as a school community to welcome back friends and meet new ones.

With that said, every time we have an evening event, parking can be a challenge.  Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution.  We can’t create a bigger lot and have limited resources beyond what’s available.  We have been made aware that many times during evening events vehicles do park in No Parking Zones and we want to make sure we not only are able to have everyone attend that wants to join us, but that everyone is as safe as possible.  Please be aware of No Parking Zones, residential driveways and fire hydrant zones.  When King County Right Of Way access areas (walkways, etc) are not adhered to this could lead to ticketing or your vehicle being towed.  We certainly wouldn’t want that to be the way an evening is ended at one of our events.  We have worked with the Stillwater church and they have allowed us use of their parking lot which has a trail to walk to the school.  This does allow an extra 35 spots.  Please use extra caution when walking on the roads, especially as it gets darker earlier.  Another option is to carpool.  If all of your neighbors are planning on going, save some fuel and work together to have a fun evening.

See our fun video we put together to explain the do’s and don’ts of safe parking at Stillwater.

We hope to see you all tomorrow at the Back to School BBQ

~Stillwater PTSA