Hawk Walk 2017 Results

Great job Stillwater Hawks, we surpassed our goal of $10,000 for the Hawk Walk with a grand total of $13,746.78 in donations (over $400 came in after the Hawk Walk ended). WOW!
In addition, we had four local business pledge funds for staff laps: Nicole Ji at NJ Real Estate, Gayle Stevens from Remax, Dr. Glickman at Great Smile Dental, and LeAnn Barret from Remax. Because of their donations and the staff’s hard work to complete 309 laps, we received an additional $909 putting our grand total for the Hawk Walk at $14,655.78.
We also want to again thank Bae Bae Cakes for their $250 donation that helped fund Blitz’s appearance at the Hawk Walk and the Irwin Group’s $250 donation that helped fund some of the obstacles we had at the Hawk Walk this year and the spirit assembly relay challenges.
Thanks to your fundraising efforts, we are able to propose an increase to the teacher and school grants budget (see additional details below) and the PTSA’s budget for the start of next school year before the first fundraiser in November is set-up for success. For a larger picture of what your fundraising dollars support, you can visit our website to read an article that lists some of the contributions the PTSA made to Stillwater this year: http://stillwaterptsa.org/ptsa-contributions-stillwater-2016-2017/.
Due to the amazing results of the Hawk Walk and Running of the Balls, at the June 8th General Membership meeting we will be presenting the following updates to THIS YEAR’s budget:
*Increasing the ‘Teacher and Staff Grants’ line item on the budget by $8,203.19 so that we can award $14,203.19 of the spring grant submissions. Please note, we already awarded $6,612.93 to Stillwater in grants last December during the first grant season of the school year.
Here are a few important reminders now that the fundraiser has wrapped and we hit our goal.
1) We had a spirit assembly on May 19th to celebrate the success of the fundraiser where 31 students and 6 staff members participated in a Super Relay Challenge and the 12 Top 2 Earners per Grade played Human Bowling.
2) Prizes were awarded to 11 students randomly selected from a pool of the students that fundraised $30 or more.
3) We had 13 classes hit their classroom goal and they will be having a snow cone party in the coming weeks!
4) All donations to the PTSA are tax deductible, don’t forget your donation next year during tax season. If you require a receipt for a cash donation please e-mail fundraising@stillwaterptsa.org.
5) While corporate matching is an integral part of our fundraising strategy plan, because we do not receive the matching funds until well after the event is over and we receive no breakdown with the lumped check(s), we do not count promised corporate matching funds towards the top earner numbers, classroom or school goals. But please still enter your corporate matches, they are built into the general fundraising plan, just not the Hawk Walk specifically.
If you have any questions please contact president@stillwaterptsa.org. Thank you again!