Are you interested in giving back and making a difference at Stillwater?

Are you interested in meeting new people and being part of a strong team?
If so, please consider joining our PTSA board or leadership team for next school year!
Below are the job summaries for all of the PTSA Executive Board positions. Non-Executive Board and Leadership position descriptions are on the reverse side. Job duties officially begin July 1, 2017 but planning for the next school year occurs before that. Complete job descriptions can be found at:
- President: The President is the PTSA liaison to the school. The President meets and coordinates with the school administration, attends PTSA leadership meetings and presides at all PTSA meetings.
- Vice President: The Vice President oversees all PTSA programs and events. We’re looking for 2 VP’s for 2017/2018—one who would oversee all social and outreach events the other who would oversee all special projects and arts programs.
- Secretary: The Secretary records the minutes at meetings and maintains PTSA records, as well as keeping the PTSA itself organized.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer prepares financial statements, manages cash inflows and outflows, and handles other financial matters.
The deadline to apply for an executive board position is: Wednesday, February 8, 2017. There is a short form that you need to complete to either nominate yourself or someone else for an executive board position. We will be having an PTSA Board Meet & Greet Breakfast Social on Tuesday, January 17, at 9:15 AM, in Portable B where you can grab a bite to eat, learn more about the board positions, and fill out a nomination form if you so desire.
Please contact your Nominating Committee members, Shelly Campbell, Mindy Smith and Amy Pitt either in person or via email at if you would like more information about executive board positions. We would love to talk to you!
*Even if the current board members want to re-apply for their position next year, ALL board positions are technically open until the general membership votes in the executive board based on the nominating committee recommendations and the current executive board votes in the future non-executive board members and leadership chairs based off applications received. If a board or chair position isn’t right for you, we also have lots of lead volunteer opportunities!
In addition to the Executive Board, we also have several General Board and Leadership Chair positions. Below are the job summaries for all of the PTSA General Board and Leadership Chair positions. Apply for these positions using the Application for General Board and Leadership Chair Positions. Complete job descriptions can be found at:
General Board Positions – On the PTSA Board of Directors
- Communications: The Communications Chair compiles the school’s monthly newsletters and annual student directory, posts to social media on behalf of the board, oversees all PTSA communications and manages the reader-board and kidmail volunteer schedules.
- Fundraising: The Fundraising Chair coordinates all fundraising activities at Stillwater, including but not limited to the Hop-a-Thon and Hawk Walk. They work closely with the Treasurer, VP and President to set goals that meet the boards’ budgetary needs.
- Membership: The Membership Chair promotes membership for the Stillwater PTSA, plans and directs the membership drive, and provides hospitality at PTSA and school events.
Leadership Chair Positions – Not on the PTSA Board of Directors, Reports to an Executive Board Member
- F.A.C.E: The F.A.C.E Chair serves as a liaison with the school counselor to advocate for special education, minority and underserved populations in our school and community. They also oversee our Dads and Donuts and Moms and Me events and any other community events.
- Social: The Social Chair secures volunteer leads for all social events and then provides oversight to the events. Social events can include but are not limited to: the Back to School BBQ, Bingo Nights, and School Dances.
- Special Projects: The Special Projects chair coordinates several “special” projects at Stillwater! They oversee our yearbook, spiritwear sales, staff appreciation week, talent show and the back to school staff luncheon.
- Advocacy: The Advocacy Chair attends legislative assembly every year and provides updates to the board and general membership on legislatives activities pertaining to our schools, children or community.
- Arts Education: The Arts Education Chair coordinates our fabulous Art Docent Program. This includes buying the supplies, securing and training volunteers and updating lesson plans. This person also oversees the lead volunteers for our Reflections Program.
Please come to our PTSA Board Meet & Greet Breakfast Social on Tuesday, January 17, at 9:15 AM, to learn more! You can also reach out to our president Lindsey Tolson if you are interested in the general board or leadership positions, Planning for next year has already begun and we try to have a full board in place by March (other than attending planning meetings, your responsibilities do not start until July 1, 2017).