March General Meeting Re-Cap

On March 16, 2017 we had our 3rd PTSA General Membership Meeting of the year. As a reminder, everyone is welcome to attend PTSA General Membership Meetings but only members can vote. The notes for our General Membership Meetings are posted to our website, usually within a week of the meeting:
We had 2 special elections during this meeting. For the first special election, the following 2017-2018 Executive Board of Directors were voted into office after being recommended by the nominating committee:
President: Shelly Campbell
Co-Vice Presidents: Jenn Anderson & Amy Pitt
Secretary: Michelle Berens
Treasurer: Lindsey Tolson
The current 2016-2017 Executive Board of Directors maintain their positions until July 1, 2017 when the new officers take over. The PTSA would like to extend their thanks to these officers for taking on such important leadership roles. The second special election involved budget changes. There were 9 changes to the 2016-2017 Budget that were proposed and passed. An overview of these Budget changes can be found on our website:
In addition to the special elections, we had reports from various board members and a principal’s update from Mr. Madigan. The president gave an update on PTSA activities thus far and what is still to come. The secretary provided an overview of the Hawk Awards for Stillwater staff and volunteers, nominations are due March 24th. The treasurer reviewed exceptions found on the Mid-Year Financial Audit that was completed in February, 3 non-signers from the PTSA review all of our financial records twice a year. Membership was on hand to provide an update to our membership numbers, we are 25% above last year. Mr. Madigan spoke about a new group of 3rd-5th grade students that has been formed to discuss the Core Covenants and what they mean to students at Stillwater. He also spoke about a new recess soccer club, “The Salamanders” that was started due to the proposal and enthusiasm presented by some 3rd grade students.
Thank you to all of the members that were in attendance! Attendees enjoyed an Italian Soda served by Cari Orme and Rebecca Manjarrez, and also some yummy cinnamon rolls donated by Felicia Berg. We also gave out 2 pairs of spiritsleeves as a door prize drawing.
Our last general membership meeting of the year will be on June 8th. We hope to see you there!