March Volunteer of the Month – Marcie Decker

Marcie was nominated by Zoe Anderson and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Zoe had to say about Marcie.

“I would like to nominate Marcie Decker for VOM! She has been volunteering for the last 5 years in both her 4th & 2nd graders classes. She consistently helps with not only the Art Docent program, but is always signing up for class parties and other activities. But here’s how she recently went ABOVE and BEYOND…

I jumped in as Art Docent lead for my 2nd graders class mid year. I had never volunteered in that program, and frankly art is not my forte. I was feeling out of my depth, but knew she’d helped both my kids when she volunteered other years. I asked her a quick question out at pick up about the program and she was amazing!! She met with me multiple times both in the art portable and the kiln room to show me the ins and outs of all things Art Docent including how to use the clay slab roller. Then when the day came and my 2nd grade class was set to do clay pockets, I was short parent volunteers. Without hesitation, she came in and volunteered with *our class*. Her 2nd grader is in another class and yet she took time out of her busy schedule again to come help our 2nd graders with their projects. She is an amazing example of the Hawk spirit and mindset, not only for the kids, teachers and parents who share classrooms with her kiddos, but for ALL of the other parents in our little community. And so for that reason and so many more, Marcie Decker deserves to be Volunteer of the Month!!!”

Marcie and her husband, Joe, have two girls, Kaylee age 9 and LilyJo age 7.

Marcie has been volunteering at Stillwater for five years and she really enjoys volunteering for the Art Docent program. She says that “Stillwater is an amazing school to be involved in.” When she isn’t volunteering she enjoys hiking, gardening and family time with her girls at the race track. When we asked Marcie why she volunteers, she said “I volunteer because I enjoy seeing each child put full effort into a project, to see children learn and grow in such a short amount of time is an amazing opportunity. Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet my child’s peers and get to know each of them as individuals.”

Thank you Marcie for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!

We would also like to congratulate and thank Karen Hendrickson, Felicia Berg, Amy Pitt & Uli Staerk who were all nominated for volunteer of the month.

If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: