Multicultural Night is Almost Here!

Multicultural Night is just a few days away! The event is this Thursday, March 23rd from 6-8 PM.
Here are some key logistics for the evening:
1) Some teachers are still looking for parent/student volunteers! Please reach out and help! The idea for this event was that students work in their classroom for a short period of time sharing what they have learned about their country with the other students that come through, and then they still have plenty of time to visit other classrooms.
2) There will be two points of entry for this event. If you have a K-2 student, enter through the front doors closest to the main office. If you have a 3-5 student, enter through the front doors closest to the library. If you have students in both grades ranges, pick the shortest line!
3) When you enter the school you’ll be greeted by a staff member that will give the students a passport. This is their guide for the evening. There is no official order for how you choose to navigate your trek around the world, each country display will be inside the classroom. It’s actually best if attendees do not go in order down the halls or classes towards the front of the school will be slammed while those in the back will be empty.
4) Classes will have BITE SIZED food for sampling, we ask one per person and it’s only while supplies last. Don’t plan on the samples replacing dinner.
5) After a student visits a classroom, have them see the teacher for a stamp in their passport. At the end of the evening, students can go into the gym to redeem stamps in their passport for door prize tickets.
6) Also in the gym will be a giant paper globe where we encourage families to leave a sticker that marks their culture (where their ancestors are from).
Thanks for your support making this event a great success!