NEW – Fred Meyer Rewards Program

Stillwater PTSA is now participating in the Fred Meyer Rewards Program!!
You can earn donations for Stillwater Elementary PTSA just by shopping with your Rewards Card. Fred Meyer will donate $2.6 million to nonprofits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington every year through this new program. Here’s how it works:
• Link your Rewards Card to Stillwater Elementary PTSA, just log in to your online account*
• Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Freddy’s, you’ll be helping Stillwater Elementary PTSA earn a donation from Fred Meyer.
• At the end of each quarter, Fred Meyer will make a donation to Stillwater Elementary PTSA based on the accumulated spending of the Rewards Customers linked to each nonprofit.
*Once logged into your Fred Meyer account, search for Stillwater Elementary PTSA either by name or RQ310 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
Any questions or concerns please email: