October Volunteer of the Month – Jennifer Van Tuyl

Congratulations to our October Volunteer of the Month, Jennifer Van Tuyl!

Jennifer was nominated and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Below is why Jennifer is being recognized.

Jennifer has really come through for the PTSA when help has been needed, whether its assisting at our Back to School Bash, Monster Mash or Hula, Hop and Hoop assembly.

In addition, she volunteers at the school assisting teachers when needed or at the recent Book Fair. We appreciate you, Jennifer!!!

Jennifer and her husband, John, have three children, Hailey age 9, Avrey age 6 and Chloe age 5.

Jennifer has been volunteering at Stillwater for three years. She enjoys volunteering during the Hop-a-thon because she gets to see all the kids being so excited and having fun. She also loves helping in the classrooms because she gets to know the kids and help them learn so they can be successful in life.

When she isn’t volunteering, she enjoys cooking with Hailey, doing art with Chloe and playing computer games with Avrey.  When we asked Jennifer why she volunteers, she said “I volunteer for several reasons.  I enjoy helping the teachers because they spend all their time working hard to teach our kids.  I love getting to know the kids and teaching them. Having more than just the teacher in class can make it possible for children to have one on one help especially in difficult subjects. When the children receive the help, they feel more confident and happy. I also enjoy helping the Book Fair and Hop-a-thon as they raise money for our school. These types of events help the kids out and create a ton of excitement.”

When Jennifer was younger, she was extremely shy and struggled a lot in school. She had some great teachers and counselors who went above and beyond to assist her. One of her teacher’s thought she could provide additional help, so they requested to teach Jennifer two years in a row (her second and third grade years). She has never forgotten those teachers and counselors who went above and beyond and is so thankful for them. Her goal is to be that kind of positive role model for Stillwater kids.

Thank you, Jennifer, for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!

If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: https://stillwaterptsa.org/volunteer-month-nomination/.