Latest News from Stillwater Elementary PTSA:

Talent Show

February 19, 2023

The Talent Show is back in-person this year and we can’t wait to see all the amazing acts! Click the flyer & permission form links below for all of the details: 2023 Talent Show Flyer Talent Show Permission FormPrint This Page

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December Volunteer of the Month – Erin Allen

February 14, 2023

Congratulations to our December Volunteer of the Month, Erin Allen! Erin was nominated by Stillwater Elementary’s Office Manager, Erika Ashenbrenner. Here is what Erika had to say about Erin: “Erin volunteers twice a week in our workroom. She faithfully makes copies and laminates anything teachers leave her – relieving the stressors of copying from teachers.…

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Reminder! Yearbooks, 5th Grade Baby Photos, & Yearbook Cover Artwork Deadlines

January 29, 2023

Reminder! Order your 2022-23 yearbook today! Deadline to order yearbooks is Friday, April 7th. If your student would like a yearbook but it is not in the budget right now, please contact Stillwater’s Counselor, Kim Sheely. If you would like to contribute to the yearbook scholarship fund, there is now an option for this on…

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January 2023 GMM Recap

January 21, 2023

Thank you to all of you that attended the January General Membership meeting, it was great to see you! During this meeting, we were able to vote on the 2023 nominating committee, update the budget, hear from Mr. Madigan about the latest happenings at Stillwater and get an update on advocacy from our Advocacy Chair,…

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November Volunteer of the Month – Laura Plude

January 21, 2023

Laura was nominated by Ashley Riese, in addition to being voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Ashley had to say about Laura. Per Ashley, “Laura is a rockstar in the office during her weekly volunteer time! She volunteers in all 3 of her kiddos classrooms weekly! I also had the…

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January GMM 1/12/2023

January 10, 2023

Join us for the January General Membership Meeting this Thursday, 1/12/2023 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. Get the latest PTSA updates as well as an update from Mr. Madigan. We will be voting on the proposed budget and voting in our 2023 nominating committee. Zoom link will be shared on the Facebook invite and emailed…

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Congratulations September & October Volunteer of the Month Recipients!

November 28, 2022

Congratulations to our first Volunteer of the Month recipients of the 2022 school year… September: Rachel Patrzeba October: Shannon Bennett We are so lucky to have such amazing volunteers in our Stillwater Elementary community! Click on the images below to read all about these two wonderful volunteers and why they were selected as Volunteer of…

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Hop-A-Thon Results & Assembly Participation Info

November 17, 2022

Congratulations Stillwater Hawks! We blew the 2022 Hop-A-Thon goal of $11,000 out of the water and raised a total of $23,781.04! Plus, all classrooms reached their fundraising goals as well, which is so amazing! Way to go! The Hop-A-Thon spirit assembly will be held on December 7th. If your student would like to a chance…

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Stillwater PTSA Hop A Thon!

November 1, 2022

We’re excited to get into our first fundraising event of the year! Check out our website link for more information on how you can donate today!   HOP-A-THON  Print This Page

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Volunteer of the month is back!

October 11, 2022

Volunteer of the month is back! Know a volunteer that has gone above and beyond and deserves a little recognition? Fill out the nomination form here! Volunteer of the Month Nomination – Stillwater PTSA. Nominations for September/October volunteers will be reviewed on 11/01/2022. Contact our Volunteers lead, Natalie Doll with any questions: Print This…

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