Valentine Bingo & Silent Auction -POSTPONED

PTSA Valentine’s Bingo & Silent Auction has been POSTPONED TO FRIDAY, MARCH 1st due to the predicted snow storm. We want to thank Student Council for giving up their scheduled movie night on March 1st to make this possible.
Dinner: Red Pepper is providing pizza for purchase starting at 5:15pm. No pre-orders will be collected for this event. Pizza meals will include two slices of pizza and a water, $5 for PTSA Members, $6 for non-PTSA Members while supplies last. Cash, check, or cards accepted.
Bingo: Cards can be purchased the night of the event at a cost of $2.00 for four bingo game sheets and $3.00 for a blackout game. Bingo will run from 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. with an intermission from 7:00 to 7:10 P.M. followed by the blackout game.
Silent Auction: Stillwater PTSA will be hosting a Silent Auction during Bingo. We will be auctioning Stillwater Staff Experiences along with items from local businesses! They will be available to view and bid on from 5:15pm until the end of intermission at 7:10pm. Auction closes promptly at the 10-minute mark of intermission and winners will be announced after blackout.
Snack and Bake Sale: Snacks and baked items will be available to purchase during bingo night. All items will range in price from $1.00 to $2.00. If you would like to donate treats for the bake sale, please bring an ingredients list and have them individually wrapped for sale.
Volunteers: We can’t host this event without the help of wonderful volunteers like you! If you can help, please sign up at or see our PTSA page for more information.