Reflections 2015-2016: “Let Your Imagination Fly”

The annual PTSA Reflections Art Contest is underway and this year’s theme is: Let Your Imagination Fly. This theme by Rachel Sperry of Northwood, ND was selected through the Reflections Theme Search Contest. When asked what inspired her theme, Rachel said, “I tell myself to let my imagination fly when writing and sketching.” The theme helps Rachel to explore her imagination and she hopes it will inspire others to be creative.
Reflections is a nationwide art contest created and sponsored by the PTSA. Students are invited to create original artwork in the mediums of visual art, dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, and photography based on the annual theme. School winners have the chance to advance to district, state, and even national levels. Unlike other art competitions, interpretation of theme and artists’ statement are weighted heavily in Reflections’ judging. At Stillwater, we receive an abundance of entries in the visual arts category which makes it the most competitive. Students may submit up to two pieces, so if your child has multiple interests, it would be worth their time to enter in more than one category.
All entries are due by October 28th (enter by October 16th for early-bird drawing) and can be turned into your child’s teacher or the front office. Entries must include a completed entry form available in the school office or on the Stillwater PTSA website. **Please Note** There are changes to entry formats for visual arts and photography. The size limit for Photography has been INCREASED to 18”x24”. The size limit for Visual Arts has been DECREASED to 18”x24”. The 3/8” thickness limit is not changing. For a complete listing of rules for each category, please visit the Washington State PTSA Reflections page.
The Reflections Gala will be Wednesday November 18th 6:30-7:30 in the gym.
If you have questions or would like to help with the Reflections program, please feel free to contact Reflections co-chairs, Alison Hawkins or Brandi Painter.
Please follow Stillwater Reflections updates on our Facebook page