Register Now for YMCA’s Fall Enrichment Program at Stillwater

Registration for the YMCA’s Enrichment Program at Stillwater is up and running!
As we reported last May, each enrichment session (fall, winter and spring) will run 6 weeks (1 day a week) and feature an arts class, a STEM class and a physical education class. Below are the descriptions for the 3 classes offered during the fall session.
EACH SESSION COSTS ONLY $60, that is just $10 per session! Students work on homework from 3:30 – 4:00 pm, they can also eat a snack at this time if they bring one with them and then they go to their enrichment class from 4:00 – 5:00 pm. These classes are held AT Stillwater.
Thank you YMCA for providing this valuable resource to our community!
MONDAYS, Oct 10th – Nov 14th (Grades 1-5): Cartoon & Animation Workshop with NW Arts Center
Kids will discover how to bring their art to life and create their own cartoons and animations in this FUN 6 week workshop! Young artists will learn character design, fundamentals of storytelling and numerous techniques in creating cool cartoons and animations! All art materials are provided.
TUESDAYS, Oct 11th – Nov 15th (Grades 2-5): Junior Robotics
Part 1 of 2 of an introductory course in the engineering design process, the 2nd part will be offered in the spring of 2017. Our goal is to inspire the next generation of engineers and robotics enthusiasts. We will cover concepts from design sketching to manufacturing and software development through the use of the Lego Mindstorm Education kit. No prior experience is necessary, although general Lego building knowledge is helpful. Instructor: Parent VOLUNTEER, Mitch Tolson. Accreditation: Mechanical Engineering Degree from UW, 5 years of First Robotics mentor experience including Stealth Robotics from Cedarcrest High School.
WEDNESDAYS, Oct 12th – Nov 16th (Grades K-5): Amplify Speed Clinic
Amplify Speed Clinic is a speed and agility based program used by the Red Wolves Football athletes to: – Improve running form- Increase explosive acceleration- Increase speed- Improve core strength and development- Increase flexibility and range of motion- Increase athleticism. At the Amplify Speed Clinic after school enrichment class our goal is to provide a fun outdoor atmosphere for the younger athletes to learn all of the above skills for any sport they may participate in throughout the year!