September Volunteer of the Month – Roslyn Reeps & The Green Team

Roslyn and the Green Team was nominated by Jack Madigan and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Jack had to say about Roslyn and the Green Team:
Jack – “Our Green Team is simply amazing! The work of Roslyn Reeps and our green team continues to bring a plethora of veggies into our cafeteria, introducing students to new vegetables like ground cherries, cucamelons, and pineapple berries. It is so cool to see produce grown in our garden served daily at school. Our Green team is also responsible for the increased conservation and recycling efforts at Stillwater. I nominate Roslyn for her commitment to our students and for all the hard work in growing and harvesting organic produce for our students. She worked all summer organizing volunteers to help maintain this garden so students could benefit at the start of school. Thanks you Roslyn for making our school a great place to learn and eat!”
Roslyn and her husband, Steve have two daughters, Norah (7) and Rebecca (4). When Roslyn was told about the nomination, she said “thanks so much for the award, and Jack for the nomination. The Green team volunteers worked very hard this summer to keep the garden going so that the students would have something to eat in the cafeteria and use as an outdoor classroom. I’m still working on the numbers, but most of the produce was donated to a local food bank when school wasn’t in session. The volunteers were Doris Nelson, Sharon Nelson, Jen Bauer and Jen and Mike Hemker.”
When Roslyn is not volunteering, she likes to spend her time…can you guess it? Gardening! ? She also enjoys being with her family and going on hikes. Since she has such a green thumb, we asked her what her favorite plant/flower is and she said it was too hard to pick, “they are like children!” But she did really enjoy planting the peas and carrots with the kindergartners last year. “The pea seeds were easy for little fingers to plant and the kids were amazed at how big the plants were and how sweet the peas were right off the plant. Even though the carrot seeds were a lot harder to plant, pulling carrots was like unlocking a mystery each time.”
And finally, we asked Roslyn the why, why does she volunteer? “I volunteer to be a part of my daughter’s education and school community. I also volunteer to help make a healthier and more environmentally sustainable Stillwater. (The Green Team is always looking for volunteers who would like to join us in this mission.)” Hint, hint for anyone that wants to be more green!!
Thank you Roslyn and the Green Team for your dedication to Stillwater.
If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: