Staff Appreciation Week – We Need Your Help!

Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) is May 1st-5th, and this year’s theme is Where the Wild Things Are!
To pull off the PTSA sponsored events we need volunteers and supplies! If you would like to volunteer to bring one of the many items we need to make this week a success for our staff, or volunteer to help with an activity, please follow the links below.
SUGGESTED Student Activities for SAW:
Monday, May 1st: Kids bring the staff something homemade (card, poem, story, or picture etc.)
Tuesday, May 2nd: Favorite Snack (from staff favorites survey*) for your teacher, specialists and the custodians
Wednesday, May 3rd: Kids bring the staff something homemade (card, poem, story, or picture etc.)
Thursday, May 4th: Favorite Snack (from staff favorites survey*) for the office staff and the rest of the support staff that you want to recognize. This year, we’ve provided you with a list of the support staff and the classrooms/areas they are responsible for, you can find the Support Staff Breakdown file with the Staff Favorites.
Friday, May 5th: Bring the staff something from their staff favorites list*
*The lists of Staff Favorites can be found on our website:
PTSA Sponsored Activities for SAW:
Monday, May 1st: Pizza and Salad catered by Red Pepper. Along with made to order Italian Sodas at lunch time
Tuesday, May 2nd: Car Wash (we wash staff vehicles, weather permitting) as well as light snacks provided in the staff lounge and Italian Soda’s delivered to the staff
Wednesday, May 3rd: Soup and Salad lunch provided by PTSA and parent volunteers. Along with made to order Italian Sodas at lunch time
Thursday, May 4th: Light snacks provided in the staff lounge and Italian Soda’s delivered to the staff
Friday, May 5th: Trail Mix Bar in staff lounge provided by PTSA & Parent Volunteers and new this year, smoothies delivered to the staff
**The PTSA is also giving the staff giftables each day, small tokens showing our appreciation**