Staff Appreciation Week – Staff Favorites, May 4-8


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This is the time to pamper our wonderful Stillwater Elementary Staff to show our appreciation for all that they do for our kids! This year’s theme is Alice in Wonderland. WE NEED YOUR HELP to make this event a success! We will be providing food and beverages for the staff, as well as daily gifts and a car wash, weather permitting.

  • Every parent should have received an email from your classroom coordinator regarding items needed for Staff Appreciation Week. If you haven’t, please contact Lindsey Tolson at
  • We will also be collecting donations for staff gift cards. This will also be organized through your classroom coordinator.
  • We need lots of help! For a detailed volunteer list please go to .
  • We need help with decorations, giftables, car washing, staff lounge lunch/snack prep and set up, make/deliver Italian sodas, clean-up.

We encourage students to bring in homemade pictures, cards, or poems for staff during SAW to show their appreciation.

Thank you for helping make Staff Appreciation Week an awesome success!