Stillwater PTSA Legislative Update

September 2018 Stillwater PTSA Legislative Update

 Hi, I’m Roslyn Reeps, your new Stillwater PTSA Advocacy Chair, and mother of a Stillwater first-grader.  My job is to represent the interests of Stillwater to help craft the Washington State PTA legislative platform.  I will also be providing you with updates on local policy issues that will affect the Stillwater Elementary School community.  I have both professional and volunteer experience with state and local governments as well as non-profits, and I am excited to be given the opportunity to help enhance the educational environment and opportunities for Stillwater students.

For more than 100 years, PTA has advocated for the health, safety, welfare and education of all students.  Together, PTA members have the power to advocate at all levels of government for a strong public school system to ensure equity and opportunity for all children.  Within our state, the Washington State PTA advocacy work is directed by our member-approved resolutions, principles, and legislative platform.  At the local-level, advocacy issues are pursued through representation on the Riverview PTSA Council, Riverview Schools Committee and Board of Education.

The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle.  This October during the Washington State PTA Legislative Assembly, members will vote on the new platform.  The top five issues become our short-term platform and consist of our priority issues when advocating throughout the year.  Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list.  In odd-numbered years, members vote to amend current issues or to add new, emerging issues to the also supported list.

The Washington State PTA legislative issues come from members, who submit ideas in the spring.  If you have any thoughts or questions about any of these issues or policy issues affecting Stillwater Elementary on the local level, please let me know ( ).