May Volunteer of the Month – Kathy Webster

Congratulations to our May Volunteer of the Month, Kathy Webster! Kathy was nominated by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is why Kathy is being recognized:

Kathy was the Box Tops lead for the last two years. In addition, she assists our Popcorn lead with serving popcorn to all the students and staff each month. She is always willing to step in and help when needed for various PTSA events. Kathy has been a tremendous help to the PTSA during her time at Stillwater.

Kathy and her husband, Charlie, have one son, Camden age 11.

Kathy has been volunteering at Stillwater for six years and she loves volunteering in the classroom, helping with popcorn and any other activities involving the kids.

When she isn’t volunteering, she enjoys reading, gardening, walking and having coffee with friends. When we asked Kathy why she volunteers, she said “I love being able to support the school, meet new people, and get extra time with Camden and the kids. Especially this year as it’s our last with Stillwater 🙁 “

Thank you, Kathy, for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!

Lastly, we want to thank all our volunteers who have donated their time this year, whether it was planning, serving, setting up/cleaning up at PTSA events. We couldn’t provide such amazing events for the students without all your support!