Welcome Back!

A message from your Stillwater PTSA Presidents

back_to_school_bannerWelcome back Stillwater families and a special Welcome to all the new families!

This is a great school to grow and learn.  We have a supportive staff, teachers and principal.  We, as the PTSA, are here to support the teachers, students and families.  We know you are all very busy with school, work and living, so our goal this year is to get you the information you need quickly and easily.  All paper information that comes from the PTSA will be printed on yellow paper, so if you see that color, just give it a quick look.  You don’t want to miss out on fun activities, events or information! Other places you can get your questions answered is our website (www.stillwaterptsa.org) and on our Facebook page (Stillwater Elementary PTSA).  We have many fun activities to look forward to this year from the Back to School BBQ & Auction to the Elf Workshop to the school dance.

Our first PTSA General Meeting will be on Thursday, September 25 at 6:30pm in the Learning Resource Center.

Why should you go to a General Meeting and what are they?

  • Learn what the PTSA is all about.
  • Meet other SWE families, bring your kids and have dinner.
  • Learn something new from one of our guest speakers.

This is a great time to become a member of the PTSA.  Not only will you be supporting the school and programs through PTSA, you will personally benefit from joining.

Why should you join the PTSA?

  • You would receive a free student directory.
  • There are discounts to school PTSA events.
  • There are lovely discounts to National Organizations like Staples, Hertz and Schwan AND to Great Wolf Lodge.

Join Online 

We would also like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

julieMy name is Julie Logan and this is my seventh year at Stillwater.  My baby boy, Riley, is in 3rd grade!  I also have two other boys in 9th and 12th grades at Cedarcrest High School.  I love being involved in my sons’ schools and helping them to get the best education they can.  I’ve work in Riley’s classroom, chaired events like Elf Workshop and helped with Garden Club.  My son loves when he sees me at school.  I volunteer for Riley.

sereneI am Serene Norris and I have been at Stillwater for eight years. My oldest is an 8th grader and my youngest, Colt is in the 2nd grade. I was on the PTSA for 4 years and took a couple years off and I am now refreshed and ready for four more years. In my time I was Legislative Chair twice, Fundraiser Chair and Vice President. I look forward to many fun times this school year. I can’t wait to see new faces getting involved this year. We want you to feel comfortable asking questions and reaching out to help for the bigger picture! PTSA is for you, Parent Teacher Student Association at anytime we are here to answer your questions.

Thank you for reading to the end.  We can’t wait to meet and greet new and old families and have an amazing year!

~ Julie Logan & Serene Norris, Stillwater PTSA Co-Presidents