You’re Invited to Focus Day 2014

Event:  FOCUS DAY 2014
Date:  Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Time:   9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Pre-Rally and Legislative Briefing at 11:00
Rally in Rotunda – 12:00 to 1:00

Place:  General Administration Building
WA State Capitol Campus Olympia, WA

Washington State PTA Focus Day is a rally inside the Capitol dome where PTA members from across the state gather for briefings, meetings with legislators and staff, leave notes, and network with other PTA advocates.  PTA members make a big difference when they go to Olympia in large numbers.  We need to speak up visibly for child-friendly budgets and policies in what will again be a difficult economic climate.

Why go to Focus Day?

*We are constituents and our opinions carry a great amount of weight with our Legislators;

*Our Legislators want and need to hear what we have to say;

*When we show up in person, our Legislators hear us loud and clear;

*We show our strength in numbers;

*We establish personal relationships with our Legislators;

*We remind our Legislators of PTA’s legislative priorities;

*We support our Legislators in taking action;

*We take an active part in the legislative process;


Bring your children!  A special capitol tour is being arranged for kids and parents, which will include a time for Stillwater children to meet with at least one of our local Representatives or Senator so they can deliver notes from their classmates.

Please sign up to attend Focus Day by filling out the this form or e-mailing the information to Pam Deming at  More information will be provided to those attending.