Madigan Memo Volume 1, Issue 2

Hello Stillwater,
Can you believe that we are almost ½ way through the school year? They say that time flies when you are having fun, but this is ridiculous! A big piece of this is due to your incredible children. They are such a pleasure to have in school and are growing by leaps and bounds. The stories of their growth and exceptional progress are a constant reminder of both their amazing potential and resiliency with the learning process. We are continuing our work with the Hawk Mindset and I am so proud of our students and how many Hawk Feathers they are earning. I can hardly go a day without having to refill my supply to hand out to students that I see demonstrating outstanding effort and caring in the areas of safety, respect, responsibility and leadership.
Overall, our students have earned 14,018 Hawk Feathers to date! That’s over 175 Hawk Feathers a day starting from the first week of school. This is just amazing! The level of pride and respect for learning I witness on a daily basis is inspiring. At the beginning of the year, we focused on the hallways, playground, lunchroom and bathrooms and reviewed what a Hawk Mindset looks like in action in each setting. Our students are truly leading by example and making our school a great place to learn and have fun. As we move into the second semester, we will focus on other areas such as the classroom, specialist time, school bus and others. I expect the same success if not more, as students continue to develop their mindset for learning.
In other notes, our PTSA is conducting a survey of needs/wish list for areas for improvement that might benefit with the help of our PTSA’s fundraising efforts. In the past, our PTSA helped improve our school by providing needed upgrades to our playground, a kiln for pottery, phonics instruction kits for students, a shed for playground and outside PE equipment, and I could go on and on. Please take a moment to share your thoughts with us by clicking the link, Stillwater Survey.
I would also like to learn more from our community and starting this February, I am sponsoring a monthly “Coffee Time with the Principal”. This will be a casual meeting time for us to sit down with a cup of coffee and get to know more about your hopes and dreams for our school and how we can best serve your children. If you are interested in joining me for coffee, please call or email Karie in the office and she will get us scheduled. “Coffee Time with the Principal” will be on the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to 11:00 in the Main Office or conference room if have a lot of visitors! or (425) 844-4681.
All the Best,

Jack Madigan

Madigan Memo #2