2015-2016 School News
Stillwater Staff Favorites available
For those who don’t know, every year in May the PTSA facilitates several Staff Appreciation Activities. One item done at this time is a staff favorites survey. The survey is completed by all the staff members at Stillwater and it includes items such as favorite color, favorite snacks, favorite gift cards, etc… Families can then…
What’s with the Raffle this year?
In previous years, the first 2 weeks of school, families were donating items towards raffle baskets, the PTSA then built the raffle baskets and the raffle occurred at the Back to School BBQ. After receiving a lot of feedback that it’s a busy/costly time of year to have something else added to the plate, we…
PTSA Award Recipients
Back in March we sent out nomination forms for the four PTSA sponsored awards: Outstanding Educator, Heart of the Hawk, Golden Acorn and Honorary Life Membership. We had over 43 total nominations turned in and the awards committee, consisting of executive board members, had a difficult job choosing the winners. Ultimately the number of nominations per…
Thank you for a fabulous year!
Thank you Stillwater Hawks for an amazing year! The PTSA had many great accomplishments this year and we couldn’t have done it without your support. Thank you to all of our volunteers, we had 116 different volunteers between all of our events and activities this year, wow! Our partnership with the staff at Stillwater is…
Enrichment Survey Response
Stillwater Families,Thank you for taking the enrichment survey that we e-mailed out last month. We used the survey to discuss improvements that can be made to the enrichment program with the YMCA and Stillwater Administration. The survey made is clear that enrichment is important to Stillwater families, so we are committed to working with the YMCA to…
Reflecting on Reflections Workshops – a Letter by Liz Vernon
May 23, 2016 Stillwater Families, Last week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, I worked with the first round of students who signed up for the Reflections Art workshops that are being offered during their lunchtime recess. While there were pieces entered in this past fall’s competition, the Reflections Committee would’ve LOVED to have seen more.…
WE DID IT!!! Hawk Walk Results
Great job Stillwater Hawks! We blew our $10,000 goal out of the water with a final total of $14,299.28. This total does not include the money for staff laps that Coffey Tile & Marble pledged OR any corporate matching. Please don’t forget to submit your donations for corporate matching if applicable. We don’t receive any…
2015-2016 Reflections Contest Entries
PTSA Contributions to Stillwater 2015-2016
Hawk Walk, May 18
WHEN: Wednesday, May 18th from 2-3 PM WHERE: Stillwater Playground WHO: All Stillwater Hawks (AM Kinders will have their own Hawk Walk on May 18th at 11:30 AM) WHAT: The Hawk Walk is a 100% Donation Based Fundraiser! All profits go directly to the PTSA to benefit our students and school. GOAL: The suggested minimum fundraising…