June 9th PTSA General Membership Meeting Recap

The last PTSA general membership meeting was held on June 9th over zoom. Here is a recap of the meeting:
The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Since the last general meeting in April, the PTSA was able to give $250 to each specialist, $1000 towards field week and contribute $730.78 for additional playground installation expenses.
A special election was held to amend the 2020-21 budget and put $5,000 from the current budget into a playground savings for future replacement of the small playground structure. The budget for the 2021-22 school year was reviewed, a vote was held, and the proposed budget was approved.
The Stillwater PTSA board members recently attended the WA State PTA convention and took a combined total of 21 classes. Stillwater Elementary PTSA won awards for 100% staff membership and the Gold level award for outstanding website!
We are seeking volunteers for some open leadership team opportunities! You can view the openings and apply online. https://stillwaterptsa.org/be-apart-of-stillwater-elementary-award-winning-ptsa/
The meeting was adjourned and a door prize drawing for a Starbucks gift card was given out to 4 lucky attendees!
Thank you to everyone that attended the meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone at the first general meeting of the 2021-22 school year in the fall!