November Volunteer of the Month

Amy was nominated by Lindsey Tolson and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Lindsey had to say about Amy.
“Amy is our advocacy chair, she attended Legislative Assembly in the past month and joined the Riverview Schools Committee to bring Stillwater’s voice to the 2020 bond vote prep. When we needed a last-minute volunteer to create the Hop-a-Thon tracking poster she stepped in and did a FABULOUS job! She also volunteered during the Hop-a-Thon assembly helping the 4th and 5th graders complete the Taste Buds challenge during the relay race. Amy also runs our talent show every year with Jen Coffey, it’s a big job and they both do such a great job. She is one of our core volunteers that always comes through in a pinch and we so appreciate her! Thank you Amy!!”
Amy and her husband, Ryan, have two children, Sean age 10 and Taylor age 7.
Amy has been volunteering at Stillwater for five years and she really enjoys volunteering in class, art docenting and face painting at different events. When she isn’t volunteering, she loves to read, write and go on family adventures. When we asked Amy why she volunteers, she said “I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.” – Lily Tomlin. No matter what talents or skills we have, time is our most important asset. Volunteering brings me joy. It enables me to provide support to the school and staff who do so much for my kids.”
Thank you, Amy, for all that you do to support Stillwater and our community!! Congrats on your nomination and win!
We would also like to congratulate and thank Rachel DelCarmen and Chelsea Krause who were also nominated for volunteer of the month.
If you have a volunteer to nominate, please visit: