Latest News from Stillwater Elementary PTSA:

January Volunteer of the Month

April 30, 2023
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Spring Dance 2023

April 19, 2023

Join us for the spring dance Friday, April 28th! Bring your best dance moves, play some games, get your face painted and more! It’s going to be a great time! Volunteers needed! See available spots here: Spring Dance Volunteers Print This Page

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2022-23 Hawk Award Nominations

April 18, 2023

Hawk Award Nominations – Have a Stillwater staff member who you appreciate? Someone who has made a difference? A volunteer who goes above and beyond? Let’s recognize their dedication and hard work by honoring them with an award! Stillwater PTSA is seeking nominations for its Heart of the Hawk Award, Outstanding Educator Award, Golden Acorn…

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Nominating Committee Report

April 7, 2023

Stillwater Elementary PTSA Nominating Committee Report Date: April 20, 2023 The 2023 Stillwater Elementary PTSA nominating committee hereby places the following names into nomination for the 2023-2024 school year: For the office of President: Natalie Doll; For the office of Vice President: Monique Linz; For the office of Treasurer: Kirsten Lewis; For the office of…

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April 6, 2023

STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK  MAY 1-5, 9 2023 Thanks for your interest in donating to SAW! During SAW, we like to gift the staff with something to show our gratitude and appreciation for all they do.  This year, we are asking for your help in purchasing 2 different items. The gifts we will be purchasing for…

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Nailed It! Spring Break 2023 Baking Contest

April 3, 2023

The Nailed It! Spring Break Baking Contest is back!  Recreate one of the 3 cakes/cupcakes for a chance to win a prize! Each cake pictured will have a 1st place winner and a runner up. The fabulous Amy McHenry of BaeBae Cakes is returning as our judge and will be reviewing the entries to select…

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General Membership Meeting 4/20/23 @ 6:30

April 2, 2023

Save the date! Our next General Membership Meeting will be held via Zoom. We will be sharing the latest Stillwater PTSA updates, voting in the 2023-24 executive board, and more! Zoom link and meeting agenda will be shared on the Facebook event page and emailed out to members prior to the meeting. Looking forward to…

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March 16, 2023

We are so excited to have BINGO night back in person! Bring the family down to Stillwater Elementary on Friday, March 31st for a fun evening of BINGO, Red Pepper Pizza, baked goods, and prizes! Doors open at 5:30, BINGO starts at 6:00. BINGO tickets will be available for purchase at the door, pizza will…

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Join The Knock Down Hunger Cereal Drive!

March 14, 2023

Join in on the PTSA’s Knock Down Hunger Cereal Drive! We are trying to collect as many cereal boxes as we can now through April 5th. The class that gets the most cereal box donations will get to have an ice cream party with games in the gym! On Friday, April 7th, we will celebrate…

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Nominating Committee Now Accepting Nominations!

March 1, 2023

Each year we hold an election to vote in the executive board members of the Stillwater PTSA. The election of the 2023-24 board members will happen at our April 20th General Membership Meeting and our nominating committee is now accepting nominations! The executive board of directors consists of: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer If you…

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