Latest News from Stillwater Elementary PTSA:

General Membership Meeting 9/30 @ 6:30 PM via Zoom

September 29, 2021

Join us for the first Stillwater PTSA General Membership meeting of the year! Get all the latest PTSA updates as well as an update from Mr. Madigan. We will also be reviewing and voting on the budget for the 2021-22 school year. Anyone can attend the meeting, only members can vote. There will be door…

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Check Out The Latest News From Stillwater Elementary

August 27, 2021

Here is a copy of the information from the latest newsletter that was sent out from the school via email: Back to School Constant Contact. There are some great updates about the first week of school including drop-off/pick up & attendance procedures, a message from Nurse Cortney Nachreiner and a special section for incoming kindergarten…

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2021-22 Reflections

August 26, 2021

This year’s Reflections theme is “I will Change the World By…” The Reflections Art Competition is a National PTA program that starts at the school level. Each year students are invited to create original works of art around a theme. Pieces are evaluated by local artists and art educators. Top scoring works advance to the…

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Welcome Back Stillwater Hawks!

August 23, 2021

Membership registration for the 2021-22 school year is now open! Go to our Membership page to learn more and sign up for your PTSA membership today! Thank you for supporting the Stillwater Elementary PTSA!   Print This Page

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June 9th PTSA General Membership Meeting Recap

June 19, 2021

The last PTSA general membership meeting was held on June 9th over zoom. Here is a recap of the meeting: The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Since the last general meeting in April, the PTSA was able to give $250 to each specialist, $1000 towards field week and contribute $730.78 for additional playground installation expenses. A…

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June Advocacy Update

June 16, 2021

On June 8, 2021 I attended the All About Advocacy: 2021 Session Wrap Up meeting with the Washington State PTA. The 2021 Session was 105 days long (January 11 – April 25) and the legislature adopted two-year spending plans and tweaked the current fiscal year where needed. There were a lot of new legislators from…

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Stillwater PTSA Award Winners 2020-2021

June 14, 2021

Congratulations to our 2020-2021 Stillwater PTSA Award Winners! We can’t thank you enough for all your amazing hard work over the years. Please check out the short video to see some nominations sent in and pictures. Thank you to everyone who took the time to nominate someone. Outstanding Educator Award: Jenna Farnworth Heart of the Hawk…

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General Membership Meeting – June 9 @ 6:30 PM

June 8, 2021

Join us for our last General Membership Meeting of the year, via Zoom at 6:30pm on June 9th. The Zoom link has been sent out to PTSA Members via email and is available on the Facebook group. You can also email if you would like to request the link. Everyone is welcome to attend but…

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Donuts With Grown-Ups Virtual Event

June 5, 2021

**** Donut pick up is Wednesday June 9th! ***** Come by anytime from 11:30-1:00 to pick up your pre-ordered donuts. There will be a socially distanced photo booth! We can’t wait to see you there! Donuts With Grown-Ups virtual event activity links: Monday Mad Libs activity: Donuts with Grown Ups Mad Libs Tuesday Facts Sheets:…

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Be apart of Stillwater Elementary Award-Winning PTSA!

May 20, 2021

Looking to be a part of Stillwater Elementary’s Award-Winning PTSA? We’re looking to fill some Chair and leadership positions open for the 2021-2022 school year! We’ve got lots of on-campus and home opportunities available to accommodate different schedules. Please feel free to reach out to Monique Linz at with any questions or check out…

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