PTSA Year End Awards 2019

The PTSA had many great accomplishments this year and we couldn’t have done it without your support! We were able to raise over $104,000 and give away $19,000 in staff grants, and save over $21,000 for the playground savings!! Thank you to all our volunteers, we over 120 different volunteers between all our events and activities this year, wow! Our partnership with the staff at Stillwater is a HUGE factor towards our success and we want to thank each and every one of the wonderful Stillwater staff members. And last but certainly not least, we want to thank the Stillwater families. Thank you for coming out to our events, providing us with feedback, reading our communications, and participating in a record-breaking fundraising year.
Notes from our June general membership meeting can be found on our website: meeting-minutes/.
Please keep reading below for details on the Outstanding Educator, Heart of the Hawk, Golden Acorn and Honorary Lifetime Membership awards that were presented at the assembly today! Congratulations to all the nominees and this year’s recipients.
We hope everyone has a fantastic summer and we look forward to seeing you again in the fall for another great year!!
Thank You,
Stillwater PTSA Board of Directors

Today we awarded our Outstanding Educator, Golden Acorn, and Heart of the Hawk awards. “We had over 25 individuals nominated for our various awards, which just goes to show awesome staff and volunteers we have here at Stillwater! To make sure we recognize everyone nominated, those who received a nomination will be notified.

*Outstanding Educator Award
The PTSA believes that the enthusiasm and diversity that an educator brings to the classroom directly influences the success of students. This award recognizes educators who goes above and beyond the normal expectations of his or her job to provide a quality, challenging, fun and beneficial learning environment, while recognizing that not all children learn in the same way. The awards committee had the pleasure of reviewing all of the nominations and reading all of the amazing things said about the nominees. A tough decision had to be made….so this year we are recognizing a team of individuals.
These ladies smile through an often-thankless job. Challenged with tough situations, they work their hardest to do better each time. Their heart, patience and dedication to the kids at this school are truly remarkable. They make Stillwater a better place!
Please join me in honoring the SPED team: Cathy Funk, Patti Decoteau, Linda Deal, Colleen Hintzke

*The Honorary Lifetime Membership Award
This award recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the development and growth of the Stillwater PTSA. This year we are recognizing 2 amazing volunteers.
Our first recipient has been a longtime art docent, becoming a bit of a Master of all projects…. ask her about the soap container penguins! She has served on the Stillwater PTSA board for several years in a variety of positions. In addition, she’s an outstanding classroom volunteer and book fair queen. Thank you for all you’ve done, and we sure will miss you Jessica Coon!
Our second recipient has also been a longtime PTSA volunteer. Not only for PTSA events but also serving on the board in a variety of positions, especially as the Communications Chair. For many years she has been keeping everyone in the loop and does it with flair. Her contributions of her time and holding personal fundraisers to earn money for the PTSA is so appreciated. Rebecca Manjarrez, we thank you for your service. You’ll be missed!
Honorary Lifetime: Rebecca Manjarrez & Jessica Coon

*The Golden Acorn Award
This award recognizes an individual volunteer who has shown outstanding dedication and volunteer service to all children in the school community. This award acknowledges service that goes “above and beyond”.
This person is an AMAZZZING volunteer. Not only does she volunteer in her kids’ classrooms and others, she volunteers for PTSA events, fundraisers, the library and the for the book fair. As if this wasn’t enough, she also teaches writing classes after school and encourages reading and writing outside of school and during the summer. She Rocks and for all the 1000 ways that she makes Stillwater a better place, please join me in honoring this year’s Golden Acorn, Zoe Anderson.

* The Heart of the Hawk Award
This award recognizes a Stillwater staff member or volunteer who consistently goes out of his or her way to be helpful and look for new ways to positively influence the lives of children. We think of this person as the “face” of Stillwater.
This years’ recipient is truly the face of Stillwater…. He’s everywhere during the school day and beyond. He is one of a kind and has the best interest of EVERY student in mind when making decisions. He shows up to every event and is happy to support volunteers and show how much he cares for our community. From inspiring students, to taking eggs to the head, his dedication to excellence while still having fun makes him such an important piece of the whole.
Please join me in honoring the Jack of all trades, our awesome principal …. Jack Madigan.