Running of the Balls is a Success! Thank you!

Running of the Balls 2017
Running of the Balls is a wrap! WOW! What a fun day! Thank you everyone for coming out and supporting our first venture with Duvall Days and “having a ball with Stillwater!” Per our gambling license, we had 1,000 balls to sell and we SOLD OUT! That means we made just over $4,000 and we’ll be able to put those funds towards Teacher and School Grants this year, among other things. A big congrats to Tessa Azami for having the lucky ball number 432 and winning the $500 cash prize! Congratulations to all the other winners!
We have a BIG group of people to thank for making this event a success.
Thank you to the Running of the Balls Planning Committee who coordinated all the festivities: Monique Linz, Shelly Campbell, Stacy Reddy and Lindsey Tolson. There was a lot of logistics to work out with this being the first year and they did a great job! They could have used 4 more people on the planning committee, who wants to join them next year???
Thank you to our principal, Jack Madigan, who got the gold star for ticket sales. He was hustling in the week leading up to the event and on the day of to sell those tickets! He also did a great job announcing the event and releasing the balls! As always, we appreciate your support!!!!
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped the day of the event! Thank you Jen Coffey, Mireille Bellemare, Felicia Berg, Vicky Strada, Karen Wright and Jenn Anderson for helping the planning committee out in the booth, selling tickets and bake sale treats. Thank you Mr. Hammons, Mrs. Morman, Ms. Rogers, Mrs. Materi, Mrs. Skaug and Miss Karie for coming down, interacting with the crowd and selling tickets. Thank you Stacy Reddy, Patrick Reddy, Monique Linz, Rebecca Manjarrez, Tony Manjarrez and Mitch Tolson for spending many hours on Stewart St after the parade wrapped to perfect the ball track (since we couldn’t shut down Stewart St any other time, the hours in between the parade and ball release was our only window to fully test and perfect the track).
*Picture on the right, photo credit to Misha Stewart
Thank you to the following local businesses and community members that donated the runner-up prizes. 26 Runner-Up Prizes was AMAZING!!!!! Your generous donations were greatly appreciated.
Tellus Project (Jason Hershey) | Christine Tapert – DoTerra | |
Antonelli’s Photography | Super Jock & Jill | |
Green Planet Carpet Cleaning | Sarah Sary – Thirty One | |
Heather Jordan at Bella Couture Salon | NW Arts Center | |
Uline | Amy Hart | |
J&J Snack Foods | Cherry Valley PTSA | |
Seahawks | Carmen Nemeth – Lula Roe | |
Metcalf Chiropractic | Jessica Robinson – Lula Roe | |
Bae Bae Cakes | Jen Walker – My Fair Lady Skincare | |
Cherry Valley Macaroni Kid | Nat Nelson – Jamberry Packs | |
Country Collections |
Thank you to all the volunteers who donated goodies for the Bake Sale, we had LOTS of compliments over the tasty treats you all provided.
Thank you to NJ Shelsby and Kim Piira from the Duvall Chamber of Commerce for their help procuring prizes and guiding us through our first attempt at a Duvall Days activity. We greatly appreciated your support and your trust in us to coordinate such a special activity! Thank you to the rest of the Duvall Days Planning Committee for your hard work bringing this event to our community.
Thank you Ann Marie Gill for getting our information on the Duvall Days website and doing a live video feed of the event.
Thank you to Heather Jordon from Bella Couture Salon for allowing us to connect to the WiFi so we could offer credit card purchases for the ticket sales.
Thank you to the Stillwater families that bought our Running of the Balls tshirts to help us advertise the event.
Thank you to Duvall Safeway for allowing us to sell tickets the Friday before Duvall Days!
And lastly, thank you to Rocking E Feeds for letting us borrow bags of bedding when we needed to extend the track.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Be ready to buy more balls next year! We’ll be increasing the number we have available to sell!!