Outstanding Advocate Award 2014: Brandi Painter

We had the honor of presenting the wonderful Brandi Painter with the Outstanding Advocate Award at the final PTSA meeting of 2014. Brandi Painter is well deserving of the Outstanding Advocate award.   Stillwater is lucky to be the recipient of Brandi’s valuable skill-set, experience and dedication as a volunteer. She gives to our community in…

Stillwater PTSA General Meeting Minutes March 27, 2014

7:04 – 7:05 – Welcome – Pam Deming 7:05 – 7:06 – Minutes Approval – Noel Caryl January 23, 2014 minutes – approved 7:06 – 7:16 – Treasurer’s Report/Budget Review – Lynda Brown Reviewed the financial activity for the past 2 months; gave $1000 grant to the school for Arts Day; whatever is remaining will…

Staff Appreciation Week – Staff Favorites

Download Teacher and Staff Favorites for Staff Appreciation week, May 5-9 Staff Favorites – All (23 pages) Favorites by Staff Categories Office Staff Favorites Kindergarten Teacher Favorites 1st Grade Teacher Favorites 2nd Grade Teacher Favorites 3rd Grade Teacher Favorites 4th Grade Teacher Favorites 5th Grade Teacher Favorites Specialists Staff Favorites Support Staff Favorites Custodian Staff…

Family Night at the Mariners! April 25

Join the Seattle Mariners and the Riverview School District for a special fundraiser! Bring your family, friends and co-workers and enjoy an evening with the Mariners.  The first 20,000 fans at Safeco Field will receive a Mariners Beard Hat! When? Friday, April 25th, 7:10pm, but show up early – its Beard Hat night for the…

Award a Hawk – Forms due March 28

Do you know a teacher, staff member or volunteer who has stood out this year at Stillwater?  The best compliment is to tell us your story and nominate them for a Hawk Award.  Forms due by Friday March 28th PTSA Outstanding Educator Form PTSA Outstanding Advocate Form PTSA Heart of Hawk Award Form

Stillwater Hoedown – Friday March 7th, 6-8pm

The Chuck Wagon will be servin’ up pizza, drinks and other grub that you can purchase!  Entrance to this PTSA event is Free for the whole family. Email melanielougray@yahoo.com if you have questions.

2014 – 2015 Nominating Committee Report

The 2014-2015 Stillwater PTSA Nominating Committee places the following names in nomination: For the office of President: Julie Logan and Serene Norris For the office of Vice President: Gayle Saunders and Dawn Spencer For the office of Secretary: Noel Caryl For the office of Treasurer: Lynda Brown and Gale Britton The nominating committee has confirmed that all…


December Winner: Mrs Marchel had the most with aDecember Winner – Mrs Marchel had the most with a total of 195. 134 box tops and 61 labels. January Winner: Mrs. Heinson had the most with a total of 362. 37 BoxTops and 325 LFE labels.

You’re Invited to Focus Day 2014

Event:  FOCUS DAY 2014 Date:  Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Time:   9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Pre-Rally and Legislative Briefing at 11:00 Rally in Rotunda – 12:00 to 1:00 Place:  General Administration Building WA State Capitol Campus Olympia, WA Washington State PTA Focus Day is a rally inside the Capitol dome where PTA members from across the…