April 2017 Featured Volunteer of the Month: Stillwater’s Art Docent Team

Congratulations to our April PTSA Featured Volunteers of the Month, the Stillwater Elementary Art Docent Team. They were nominated by Lindsey Tolson and voted on by the Executive Board.
Here is what Lindsey had to say about them:
“The Art Docent Program at Stillwater is a massive undertaking that requires MANY volunteer hours and I feel that everyone involved deserves to be recognized. Art Docent is overseen by Lisa Cardenas, who totally elevated the program last year when she made training videos for every lesson. This allowed the volunteer instructors to receive visual instructions for each lesson vs. only having a written lesson plan to refer to. Lisa and another art docent volunteer, Courtney Questad also spent several days at the beginning of this year completely reorganizing and cleaning the art portable, something that hadn’t been done for a long time.
In addition, the program would not be possible without all the volunteers who donate their time to bring art education to Stillwater by teaching the lessons. I couldn’t choose just one of them to highlight, because they all work so hard so I am nominating them all! There are an outstanding 66 volunteers who teach the art docent lessons at Stillwater. Each lesson that is taught requires prep time from the volunteers learning the lessons, practicing the artistic methods and gathering supplies. Then there is the set-up time before the lesson starts, the time for the lesson itself and lastly clean-up.
The addition of the kiln this year required some extra training and work for our Art Education Team. Amy Pitt has done a wonderful job leading the charge by becoming our kiln guru and integrating clay lessons into the art docent schedule. All of the art docent volunteers are jumping in to teach clay lessons, which has required additional time for them to learn the best tricks and tips and kiln processes.
Thank you, Art Docent volunteers, for all that you do to help keep the arts alive at Stillwater and inspire our students!!!!”
JW Gorman, Laura Davis, Jennifer Bottemiller, Michelle Berens, Courtney Questad, Robin Lawson, Amy McHenry, Carin Brimley, Amber Swedberg, Jessica Coon, Stacy Reddy, Natasha Carlson, Fawn Ashby, Kim Lakin, Angie Kidd, Anthony Rotoli, Cortney Nachreiner, Jennifer Knaplund, Cindy Clager, Amy Pitt, Brooke Cheney, Carmen Love, Marcie Decker, Malia Larson, Jen Walker, Krista Petrova, Uli Staerk, Felicia Berg, Shanon Davidson, Sue Corkrey, Lupin Tapert, Dana Larsen, Serrano Ennaro, Andrea Descheemaeker, Holly Gellner, Anne Laughlin, Karen Wright, Heather Jordan, Abby Nelson, Dani Graham, Amber McDonough, Lana Davis, Ivette Marin, Shelly Campbell, Lisa Cardenas, Liz Vernon, Malia Larson, Marissa Farrell, Lily Baker, Alison Hawkins, Susan Nguyen, and Sarah McKenzie.
If you would like to nominate a volunteer of the month, please fill out the form.