December General Membership Meeting Recap

On December 3rd, 2019 Stillwater PTSA held our first General Membership Meeting of the year. We enjoyed a sweet treat to celebrate our 30 year Anniversary, Stillwater PTSA incorporated in October of 1989. We had 13 guests present, thank you everyone who attended! For those who could not attend, we have written up an overview of the meeting. You can also review minutes for general meetings on our website:
President, Monique Linz, gave a report about events that have happened this year so far and plans for the remainder of the year. We voted in our nominating committee (Lori Rush, Kirsten Lewis, Danielle Gilbreath), tasked with finding our 2020-2021 Executive Board. Our Treasurer, Lindsey Tolson, gave us a current financial report and presented 2019-2020 budget changes. We also reviewed the 2018-2019 financial audit results and the 2018-2019 end of year treasurer’s report. Our Advocacy Chair, Amy McHenry, gave an overview of Legislative Assembly. You can read more about the Legislative Assembly here: Our Co-Membership Chair and Secretary, Lori Rush, relayed our current membership numbers and incentives. We are currently 66 memberships short of our goal. Look for another membership drive in the new year.
Now that the Hop-a-Thon has wrapped we want to make sure we are keeping our membership up to date on the funds raised. All of our fundraisers support our entire budget which is over 100 line items long, When we exceed our fundraising goals, adjustments to the budget are explored. For example, we were able to give over $9,000 to the staff in grants in November due to the success of the Hop-a-Thon. The intention will be to open a second round of grants in the spring if the Hawk Walk is successful. In addition, we are still working towards replacing the large playground structure. The “green” structure that won the popular vote amongst parents, staff and students has been sent off to the district and they are reviewing the design.
Co-Membership and Social Chair, Carmen Love, updated us regarding the Community Mental Health Forum’s that have been initiated by the local PTSAs. There was a meeting on December 11th from 5-7pm at Tolt Middle School that Carmen reviewed. Please like “Riverview PTSA Council” on Facebook for future information about the mental health forums.
We ended the meeting with some special guest speakers, Dr. Anthony Smith, Meisha Robertson, and Mike Ward. They attended our meeting to talk about the upcoming 2020 Bond and how that directly impacts Stillwater Elementary and our other surrounding schools. This bond with help build a new Elementary off Big Rock as well as fix current capacity concerns and structural improvements needed across the district. Dr. Anthony Smith also explained the estimated tax increase cost of $1.09 per $1000 Assessed Valuation. Please visit the new website the district put together to learn more about the bond,
Our next General Membership Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30 PM in the Library.
We hope to see you there!