Get to Know Your 2020-2021 SW PTSA Board

Hi, my name is Monique Linz and I have twin daughters in 5th Grade, a son in 2nd Grade, a son in Preschool, and another son born just a few weeks ago. I’m a stay at home mom who wanted to be involved with my children’s education so I jumped right into the PTSA world when my daughters were in Kindergarten, working on Staff Appreciation Week and our Holiday Bingo. I had such a great time being involved that the following year I decided to join the board as the Fundraising Chair. Last year I ventured down a new journey as President, and I’m super excited to return for a second term. It is going to be an interesting year for sure, for the staff, families and PTSA. But our team is ready to support Stillwater the best to our abilities. Welcome Back Hawks!
Hi, my name is Lori Rush and this is my second year serving on the board. This year I will be co-chair of Membership and co-Vice President. I have two daughters; Kendall, in second grade and Josie, in Pre-K. The staff, students and community at Stillwater Elementary are all so amazing and I am thankful that we get to be a part of it. I love that our PTSA does so many things to help positively enhance the learning experience for our kids and I am excited to help contribute to the continued success of our awesome PTSA!
My name is Lindsey Tolson and I have a son in 7th Grade, another son in 5th Grade, a 3 year old daughter, and another son due in October. I joined the Stillwater PTSA board 6 years ago and have since been honored to serve on the board as president, treasurer and vice president. This year I am happy to give Vice President of Communications another whirl as my last hoorah before departing from Stillwater (for 1 whole year anyway before I come back forever). I have a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and I am a project manager for Amazon working on outbound transportation solutions. I absolutely love this community and Stillwater, and I am very grateful for the relationships I have formed while PTSA’ing.
Hello! My name is Chelsea Krause and I’m pumped to be a part of the PTSA Board this year as Treasurer. Math is not one of my strong suits but I’m looking forward to the challenge this will bring me! I have identical twin sons, Bryson and Colton, who are in third grade this year. We have been at Stillwater since my sons were in kindergarten and I’ve loved getting to volunteer as much as I can both in my sons classroom and during PTSA events (pre-covid of course). This year will certainly look incredibly different and I’m sure it will be tough for all, but I’m excited to work with our community to still come together virtually to do great things at Stillwater!
My name is Shannon Bennett and I have a daughter, Rory, who is a 4th grader and a son, Ryder who is a 2nd grader. This is my first year serving on the Stillwater PTSA Board and I couldn’t be more excited – even in a pandemic! I have loved volunteering at all of the PTSA events – Bake Sale tables are my favorite! – and now will be serving the group as Secretary. The Stillwater PTSA has blown me away with their constant activities and fun events and I am ready to figure out how to continue the awesomeness even though we are virtual this year! We can still be and do incredible things for our students and staff, and I look forward to working with all of you to make the 2020-2021 school year, a year to remember!
Hello, my name is Kirsten Lewis and I am so delighted to join your PTSA board this year as a Co-Membership Chair and Yearbook Lead. I have a 2nd grader at Stillwater and a Preschooler. We have been with Stillwater since my son started Kindergarten and we have loved every minute of it. The PTSA has been such an integral part of our school experience thus far and I am happy to have a very small part this year. Watching all these ladies pour their hearts into making our school feel like a community and safe place for everyone, how would you not want to join?
****Please note that since this article was posted, Monique Linz and Lindsey Tolson swapped roles. Monique Linz is co-VP and Lindsey Tolson is president.****