Latest News from Stillwater Elementary PTSA:
Wednesday, June 9th (Virtual-ish) This year we are combining Moms & Me / Dads & Donuts and celebrating all the fabulous parents out there (grandparents or any other special grown-ups are welcome too!). Purchase a dozen, glazed, Krispy Kreme doughnuts ($10) and share a sweet treat with your student(s). Each order enters you into a…
Read the Rest >>On On Wednesday April 28th, we had our 3rd PTSA General Meeting of the school year and a special election was held. Here is a recap of the meeting: The February general meeting minutes were reviewed and filed. Monique Linz reviewed the presidents report and discussed events and activities that had taken place since the…
Read the Rest >>We are celebrating sports at Stillwater Elementary! Check out the PTSA’s Facebook group “Sports Week” event page to have your student participate for a chance to win a prize. Print This Page
Read the Rest >>Join us for our 3rd General Membership Meeting of the year, via Zoom at 6pm on April 28th. Please note this is a NEW date, the meeting was previously scheduled for April 21st. The Zoom link will be sent out to PTSA Members prior to the meeting, email if you would like to request…
Read the Rest >>The Attached Nominating Committee Report was signed by the 2021 Stillwater Elementary PTSA nominating committee. The committee hereby places the following names into nomination: For the office of President: Monique Linz For the office of Vice President: Shannon Bennett & Lori Rush For the office of Treasurer: Chelsea Krause For the office of Secretary: Natalie…
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Read the Rest >>Stillwater PTSA Presents February 25th 6:30-7:30 Sign up to play and win some fun prizes!! It’s simple, print out a Bingo Card from the link we send you the day before and join our zoom meeting! We then will break out into smaller groups. Sign up at so we can send you the zoom…
Read the Rest >>Have your kiddo color an Easter egg coloring sheet to be entered in our coloring contest! The categories include: Most school spirit Funniest Emoji Disney Character Candy Entries are due Monday 4/5. Click here for the printable Egg Coloring Sheet. Entries can be submitted in the PTSA Facebook Group “Eggcellent Coloring Contest” event page or…
Read the Rest >>Stillwater Elementary PTSA is again a recipient of the 100% staff membership award! Though many things have been different this school year, one thing that remains the same is how supportive and amazing our staff members are! Thank you Stillwater Elementary staff! We appreciate you! It’s not too late to purchase a PTSA membership for…
Read the Rest >>Stillwater PTSA has BIG news! Last spring, after 4 years of fundraising and saving, we purchased a new playground for Stillwater. It was delivered over the summer with the intention of being installed before school started in the fall, but COVID-19 curtailed that plan. The third time was the charm, last Saturday (March 13th) was…
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