PTSA General Meeting

Stillwater PTSA General Meeting
Tuesday, June 11th
Meeting: 6:30-7:45 PM
Stillwater Library
Please join us for our last PTSA General Meeting of the year!
We will be voting on final changes to this year’s budget. In addition, we will be voting on the 2019-2020 budget. This will give you a sneak peek at all the changes to the events the PTSA is making next year!
Mr. Madigan will be speaking to us for a final principal’s update.
Attend for a chance to win fun door prizes!
We will kick off the meeting at 6:30 PM with treats!
Childcare will be available in the gym for those that need it.
Everyone is Welcome!!
**You do not need to be a PTSA Member to attend the meeting, anyone can come! However, only a PTSA member can vote. Thank you!