President’s Corner
Spring Grants 2019
The PTSA loves to give grants to improve our school and learning for our children!! Since the Hawk Walk donations exceeded our expectations, we were able to open a 2nd grant season! This month we awarded Stillwater staff a 2nd grant check for $10,006.69!! Grants awarded for the spring include: * Regal Reading/Writing Center Easel…
3rd General Meeting Recap
On June 11, 2019 we held our 3rd General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 15 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview. Our treasurer, Rachel DelCarmen, gave us a current financial report. We voted on the 2018-2019 budget amendments along with the…
PTSA General Meeting
Stillwater PTSA General Meeting Tuesday, June 11th Meeting: 6:30-7:45 PM Stillwater Library Please join us for our last PTSA General Meeting of the year! We will be voting on final changes to this year’s budget. In addition, we will be voting on the 2019-2020 budget. This will give you a sneak peek at all the…
April 2019 General Membership Meeting Recap
April 2019 General Membership Meeting Recap On April 2nd, 2019 we held our 2nd General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 26 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview. Our treasurer, Rachel DelCarmen, gave us a current financial report. We voted on changes…
Stillwater PTSA Awarded Grant to Engage Families in Science Education
National PTA and the Bayer USA Foundation have awarded Stillwater PTSA with a $1,000 grant to engage families in science education. Stillwater PTSA is one of only 30 local PTAs nationwide selected to receive a grant through the STEM + Families initiative. The grant recognizes Stillwater PTSA leadership and commitment to increasing access to STEM—particularly…
December 2018 General Membership Meeting Recap
On December 4, 2018 we held our first General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 20 guests present, thank you everyone who attended! For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview. During the meeting Danielle Peters, Counselor guest speaker, handed out a flyer about what she does and discussed how to…
Get to know your 2018-2019 PTSA Board!
4th General Membership Meeting Recap
On June 12, 2018 we held our 4th General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 20 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview. Our treasurer, Lindsey Tolson, gave us a current financial report. We voted on the 2017-2018 budget amendments along with the…
3rd General Membership Meeting Recap
On March 13, 2018 we held our 3rd General Membership Meeting of the year. We had 14 guests present, thank you everyone who attended. For those who could not attend, here is a quick overview. Our treasurer, Lindsey Tolson, gave us a current financial report. We voted on changes to the 2017-2018 budget. We also…
Applications for Leadership Team 2018-2019
Thank you to those that came out to our PTSA Meet & Greet last Thursday! If you were unable to make it but would like more info about applying for the Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) please contact our nominating committee. This years nominating committee is Carmen Love, Monique Linz and Amy Pitt…