April Volunteer of the Month – Spring Dance Committee

April Volunteer of the Month Spring Dance Committee – Carmen Love, Danielle Gilbreath, Felicia Berg & Karen Wright The spring dance committee team was nominated by Lindsey Tolson and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Lindsey had to say about the committee. “I am nominating the ladies from the Spring…

March Volunteer of the Month – Marcie Decker

Marcie was nominated by Zoe Anderson and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Zoe had to say about Marcie. “I would like to nominate Marcie Decker for VOM! She has been volunteering for the last 5 years in both her 4th & 2nd graders classes. She consistently helps with not…

February Volunteer of the Month – Dani Tronsen

Dani was nominated by Mrs. Materi and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Mrs. Materi had to say about Dani. “Dani has been dedicated to our classroom since day one. Now she is our evening custodian and has volunteered to help even more often! She is very helpful in the…

January SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Erin Allen

     Erin was nominated by Karie Cato, Sharon Nelson and Missy Harvold and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Karie, Sharon, and Missy had to say about Erin. Karie: “Erin has been and continues to be such a gift and unsung hero for Stillwater. She has volunteered in our work…

December SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Chelsea Krause

Chelsea was nominated by Shelly Campbell and Monique Linz and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Shelly and Monique had to say about Chelsea. Shelly: “Chelsea joined our leadership team this year super enthusiastic to help any way that she can!! She signed up to volunteer to do box tops,…

November SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Ann Marie Gill

Ann Marie was nominated by Shelly Campbell and Lindsey Tolson and voted on by the Stillwater PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Shelly and Lindsey had to say about Ann Marie. Shelly: “Ann Marie Gill is a super behind the scenes volunteer that is irreplaceable!! She is a busy business owner that makes time…

October SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Zoe Anderson

Zoe was nominated by Brooke Cheney and Carmen Love and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Brooke and Carmen had to say about Zoe: Brooke – “Zoe is a constant volunteer at Stillwater Elementary. She does so much in the classroom and in her creative writing class. She also does…

September SUPER Volunteer of the Month: Roslyn Reeps

Roslyn was nominated by Shelly Campbell and Dani Graham and voted on by the PTSA Board of Directors. Here is what Shelly and Dani had to say about Roslyn: Shelly – “I am nominating Roslyn Reeps for volunteer of the month! She deserves it so much for all the ways she has jumped in to…

May Featured Volunteer of the Month: Carmen Love

Congratulations to our May Featured Volunteer of the Month Carmen Love     Carmen was nominated by Lindsey Tolson and voted on by the Executive PTSA board as our May Featured Volunteer of the Month! Carmen and her husband Nick live in Carnation and have 2 children, Colson Alexander and Athea Loren. Colson is almost…

April 2018 Featured Volunteer of the Month: Shannon Bennett

  Congratulations to our April Featured Volunteer of the Month Shannon Bennett! Shannon Bennett was nominated by Jen Bauer and voted on by the Executive PTSA board as our April Featured Volunteer of the Month! Shannon and her husband have 2 children; Rory, age 7, 1st grade and Ryder, age 5, Pre-K at Carnation Elementary…