Latest News from Stillwater Elementary PTSA:

Winter Food Drive

November 28, 2020

We are excited to announce a winter food drive in December benefiting local food banks. See flyer for details.Print This Page

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2020 WSPTA Legislative Assembly

November 17, 2020

The Washington State PTA’s (WSPTA) 2020 Legislative Assembly happened virtually this year due to COVID-19. While it was very different than attending an in-person assembly, I was grateful to still participate as many other state PTA’s just cancelled this year. What is Legislative Assembly? It’s an event where representatives and advocates from school districts in…

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Staff Favorites

November 3, 2020

Since it’s November now, are we are allowed to start talking about the holidays? Are you thinking about getting some special Stillwater staff members a holiday gift? The PTSA tries to make it easier for you by compiling a staff favorites survey every year. Thank you Kirsten Lewis for putting together all the surveys this…

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Spiritwear Sale – Open until October 30th!

October 14, 2020

Get your Stillwater spiritwear NOW!! Our online only spiritwear shop is open. The spiritwear website and sale will only be open until October 30th! All orders will ship FOR FREE to school and be sent home in your child’s supply bag. Orders should be received before winter break!! Don’t miss out! Questions? Reach out…

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September 2020 General Meeting Recap

October 14, 2020

On Wednesday September 30th 2020 we had our first General Membership Meeting of the school year over Zoom. Here is a recap of the meeting. If you have any follow-up questions please reach out to Lindsey Tolson via All documents reviewed during meeting and referenced below can be found here. Topics covered in order…

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SW PTSA Pumpkin Decorating Contest

September 28, 2020

Attention Stillwater Hawks! You are invited to show off your painting and decorating skills by creating some cool pumpkins, you could win a prize! There are 5 categories Funniest Cutest School Spirit Creative Classic Halloween How to enter: Before 9pm on Sunday, October 25th, visit our website, You will fill out the short form telling…

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Sign-up to be a PTSA Volunteer!

September 20, 2020

Wait, What?!?! As the year evolves there may be opportunities for us to pitch in to help our amazing teachers and staff and our Stillwater community through the PTSA! The tasks could be big or small and very likely from home! So, if you’ve been hesitant to sign up in the past because the commitment…

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PTSA General Membership Meeting – Sept 30th 6:30pm

September 13, 2020

Join us for our 1st PTSA General Meeting of the year on September 30th at 6:30pm. We’ll be providing an update on our plans for the first part of the year given the remote learning setting, and Mr. Madigan will be giving a Principal’s Update. We will have door prizes too! The zoom link will…

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Calling All Artists!!

September 7, 2020

UPDATE – Reflections Entries can be submitted online this year!!!! The Reflections Art Competition is a National PTA program that starts at the school level. Each year students are invited to create original works of art around a theme. Pieces are evaluated by local artists and art educators. Top scoring works advance to the district…

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Get to Know Your 2020-2021 SW PTSA Board

August 23, 2020

Hi, my name is Monique Linz and I have twin daughters in 5th Grade, a son in 2nd Grade, a son in Preschool, and another son born just a few weeks ago. I’m a stay at home mom who wanted to be involved with my children’s education so I jumped right into the PTSA world…

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